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I could feel his breath on my neck, I just want to forget about Kai...I want to forget about everything.

We locked lips, our tongues knotting together, unfortunately my mind wandered to my mate, don't get me wrong Frankie is great, but what me and Kai did in the forest that day was something else.
We separated to take a breath "Look Frankie, I don't want to use yo- 
"Shh" He grinned as he unzipped his jeans and pulled out a condom from his pocket, he really just keeps one in his pocket at all times...? Ugh, I can only imagine the amount of STD's this guy probably has.

But at that moment I couldn't give a damn, I slung off my pants and top until I was only in underwear.
He looked me up and down, smirking ear from ear.
"Can we just get this over with" I rolled my eyes, he smashed his lips onto mine, kissing me passionately as he lifted me up, my legs hooking around his waist.
He left the kitchen and placed me down onto the couch laying above me.
"You sure?" He spoke lowly, "Yes" I moaned.
Before I could think anymore he pushed himself inside me, thrusting back and forth.

I wanted to enjoy this, but I couldn't help but think about Kai, it was him I wanted on top of me, it was him I wanted to be kissing me.
He made me actually feel something.
A moan escaped my lips, no matter what my head said, my body was definitely enjoying this.

Things escalated quickly, my legs were wrapped around his neck as he went off even harder, I'm surprised at how flexible I am.
"Fu- ck" I groaned in pleasure, my claws were coming out digging into the sofa.
"I'm coming" He breathed. Right back atcha.

We were about to climax when the lights switched on, and there was Kai standing in the doorway, Katerina by his side, both of them shook and disgusted.
I locked eyes with him as I gave one last moan as I orgasmed, I could see him wince, as anger washed over his face.
"Oh crap" Frankie Groaned standing up and zipping his jeans back up.
"Kai- I mean Alpha, I'm sorry" He apologised
looking down.
"What about I'm sorry Katerina FOR MAKING YOU WITNESS MY ORGASM" Katerina shouted, and rubbed her eyes trying to comprehend the fact that she just saw her brother cum...awkward...
"Just get out...all of you" Kai growled, I had never seen him so angry, is it sick that I find it a bit hot?
He pulled off his shirt and chucked it at me, "put it on" He hissed as he sunk into one of the seats not taking his eyes off me.
I decided to stop playing around and just do what he said, plus sitting their butt naked was awkward.

"Fucking my best friend? That's low" He cursed.
"At least he isn't in a relationship" I grumbled.
"Oh so this was revenge? For earlier" He chuckled, "Why did I expect anything more from a child" he massaged his temples in stress.
"I am not a child" I growled, I am nearly 19 okay! I am a grown woman, I have boobs and everything, well actually...the boobs bit is debatable.
"Well you're sure acting like one, ha! You really slept with my best friend to get back at me?!" He looked baffled, what a hypocrite.
"And you slept with my friends girlfriend! What's the fucking difference?" I shouted, "Do you even hear yourself? Kai the freakin Alpha, he can do whatever the hek he wants no matter who he hurts!" I fumed, oops, the last bit wasn't meant to be said.
"I hurt you?" He frowned.
"No- I was talking about Lilliana..." I stuttered, forgetting my trail of thoughts.
"Why can't you just admit you actually like me? Why do you have to act so strong willed and prideful all the time!" He swore.

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