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Kai's POV
"Well she seems to be fine" the doctor spoke as he examined her and drew some of her blood,
"But she does need at least a days rest and lots of water to get the medication out of her system" he concluded as he packed up his things and showed himself out.

"I don't wanna rest, I've been resting for 2weeks! I want ice cream" she grumbled crossing her arms, this was actually pretty cute, I've never seen her like this.

"Take her to her room, make sure she sleeps" Lilliana breathed into my ear.
I lifted her up and went towards her room, "Put me down!" She pounded on my chest with her fists, how cute.
"Just let me have ice crea... " she trailed off as her eyes fluttered shut, out like a light.
I tucked her into bed and left a kiss on her forehead, I moved my bedroom so I could be right besides her, just in case anything happened.

It's pretty late and I was worn out, I should go get some sleep.
"Wait, don't go" she groaned lowly as she moved over and patted the space besides her.
I was hesitant, she was under a lot of medication, and I didn't want her to wake up all freaked out about the fact that I was lying next to her.
"Please" she whined. Alright, alright, just for a couple minutes.
I slipped under the covers besides her, the bed's small so she was pretty squashed against the wall, but she didn't seem to care as I wrapped my arms around her waist spooning her from behind.

"I missed you" she breathed before snoozing off.
I missed you to Celia.
I tried to keep myself awake but I couldn't help but fall asleep to.

Celia's POV:
My eyes peeled open, and I was met with a pounding headache, what the hell happened? Last thing I remember was that I was stumbling down the stairs and then I fainted and then I babbled on about some stuff.

I shuffled in my spot wondering why I felt so claustrophobic, until I turned around to see a shirtless snoring Alpha, his arms wrapped tightly around me, his warm skin on mine.

I would have told him to let go, but I decided to refrain, I decided to just live in this moment a little longer, he's so different when he's sleeping. No frowning, no anger, just an innocent boy.

He had bags under his eyes and his hair was messy, I remember him speaking to me for hours on end, he must've not gotten a lot of sleep. It suddenly hit me, he really does care, maybe it wasn't a sham.

Looks like the Alpha isn't so vicious after all.

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