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Kai's POV
I scavenged the corridors, searching for her. I tried to be the nice guy about things, but I think that only made her feel guilty, as much as I want this kid, I don't want her to bring it into the world out of pity or obligation.
It doesn't matter what she decides, I love her and I'm pretty sure she feels the same way and that's all that counts. I don't want her thinking that I'd feel differently about her if she chose not to keep it.
"Kai!" Lilliana called out my name as she appeared from around the corner, "Hey, have you seen Celia?" I questioned.
"She hasn't come to find you yet?" she raised a brow. "No, why was she trying to find me?"
"Oh she wanted to talk to you about something...but she probably just got lost. She still can't find her way around here" a chuckle escaped from both of our mouths as we reminisced about all the times Celia would get lost and one of the pack members would find her asleep in the corner of a hallway.
"What did she want to talk to me about?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.
"You'll just have to find out" Lilliana shrugged as a faint smile crept on her lips. Whatever she needs to tell me I'm guessing it's positive telling by Lilliana's expression, but I can't be to sure, she may still hold a grudge from when I slept with her girlfriend, maybe Celia's planning on breaking things off with me and Lilliana's just bursting with joy-
"Earth to Kai" she shouted as she waved her hand in my face.
"Oh sorry" I chuckled awkwardly as I snapped out of my daze.
"We should head to the dining room. Valentina will be calling us any minute now" I smiled, leading us downstairs.
When we arrived lots of people were gathered around the sofa, "What's going on" I frowned making my way through the crowd.
"Kai, I was just about to come find you" Frankie looked distressed, I nudged him out of the way to reveal Valentina sprawled on the sofa, a wave of relief came over me when I realised it wasn't Celia. I was instantly filled with guilt, it's Valentina...I should be more upset.
"We found her on the floor upstairs. She's dead." Tears filled his red and tired eyes, Valentina was like a mother to both him and Katerina.
"There's bruises on her wrists and neck, she must have been struggling a lot. But It was a blow to the head that killed her. When I find the son of a bitch that did this, I'm gonna tear them apart" Katerina growled, her teeth gritted.
"The house is on lockdown while we sort this out" I demanded and everyone nodded, "I want the front and back of the house heavily guarded, as for the rest of you, lock your doors before going to bed" I was angry, we haven't had an unprovoked attack in years.
The crowd dispersed and people either went to their positions or to their rooms. "Alpha, one more thing" Frankie cleared his voice.
"What" I snapped my head towards him.
"It's about Celia...we haven't been able to find her"

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