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I rushed to my room and sunk to the ground, tears swarming my eyes.
I can't keep living like this, I can't keep hiding the truth.

I need to tell him but how can I without sounding like some freak?
I hauled myself up from the ground, my towel hanging on for dear life.
I took a deep shaky breath, trying to ground myself, I'm not used to having such a rush of emotions, most of the time I'm pretty good at hiding it.

I'm terrified, I'm terrified because I've fallen completely in love with my mate and If I'm thrown out onto the streets for what I've done, I doubt I'd be able to survive.

Meanwhile [9:30pm] third person POV

An unfamiliar figure stalked towards the large manor. His hood was low casting a shadow on his face.
He knocked vigorously on the oak doors, he had important business with someone in the house.
After a couple moments, the head maid Valentina answered his knocks and opened the door.
"Hello?" She questioned the mysterious man.
"I'm here to see Andorra Ivailo" he stated, his tone was neutral...cold.
"I'm sorry sir, we don't have anyone of that name here" she frowned trying to think of an 'Andorra' but nothing came to mind.

"Oh yes, I forgot. You probably know her as Celia" he stated.
"What business do you have with Celia?" She enquired curiously, she wondered what he was talking about, who was Andorra?

"She's a friend." he spoke coldly, a rush of memories clouding his head.
She denied him access, it was late and he was a stranger, she could sense that he was a wolf...a rogue, she refrained from telling anyone he was trespassing, she just wanted him to leave and to not cause any trouble.

But he wouldn't take no for an answer, he barged past the petite older woman.
Stomping through the hallways, checking every room for his little 'friend' that he hadn't seen in so long.

He heard foot steps coming closer, a familiar scent filled his nose.
The girl he had seen so long ago was stood on the other end of the wide corridor, facing him, a look of confusion plastered over her face.
"Who..who are you?" Celia asked, she didn't know they were having visitors.
"You really don't know who I am?" He chuckled, as he walked closer towards her.

"Have we met?" She squinted her eyes, trying to make out if he was familiar or not, she could barely see his face.
"Oh we've met alright" he grinned as he slid his hood off. His skin was pale and sickly, you could tell he hadn't eaten in a while. His eyes were dark...riddled with hatred, a large burn scar tattooed his neck and trailed under his clothes.
"Missed me?"

Important note: Always keep in mind the burn scar, it'll help later on.

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