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Some time passed and I started to get bored. So I decided to give myself a tour.
The house was huge, so many hallways, it was like a maze, the doors and floors were dark oak and the walls were painted an off white, I felt like I was taken back in time.

"So you're the mate" I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me, I turned around and it was a rather beautiful girl standing there, she had brown skin, long luscious hair and she was very tall, much taller than me and I'm 5,7.
"Who are you?" I questioned.
"I'm Lilliana, one of the pack members" She came towards me and shook my hand.
"I'm Celia...the 'mate'" I smiled as I shook her hand.
"'ve been put in a real sticky situation haven't you" she chuckled as I continued roaming the halls and she followed.
"That's an understatement. One day I'm just some rogue wandering the forest. And now I'm locked in some castle. Who knows where I even am" I became slightly annoyed at my own words, why did the moon goddess have to do me like this?
"Well at least your mate is a rich Alpha. My biggest fear is to mate with some offence" she ranted then became slightly embarrassed about her last remark.
"Non taken. I get it, I'm the dirty piece of crap rogue who ran away from her pack and all her duties" I sighed shrugging my shoulders, I'm pretty used to being judged for my status, it doesn't really bother me though.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, you definitely dont look like a dirty piece of crap rogue, your pretty cute actually" she winked jokingly.
"Thank you?" I chuckled at her failed attempt at being seductive.
My eyes caught the attention of a large clock hung on the wall which read "7:00pm"
Wow, time flys doesn't it? And I'm supposed to be somewhere right now.
"I'm meant to be at some dinner with the Alpha, you know where it is?" I asked.
"Yeh, I'm heading there now, I'll take you." She replied, and a look of confusion washed over me, which she noticed, "Oh you thought it was just going to be you two" She laughed.
"It's not?" I shuffled in my spot uncomfortably, how many people were going to be at this thing?
"Well theirs the Alpha, you, and the whole pack council. My girlfriend is part of the council so I'm invited to" She explained. I mean it makes sense, I guess I've been a rogue for so long that I've forgotten how packs work.

Oh and once again another wolf that is not dating their own mate...hypocrites.
"Dont worry though, you'll be fine. I'm sure they'll love you" she didn't seem so sure.
"Yeh they'll be thrilled" I mocked, "But it's not like I'll be here for any longer anyway"
"What do you mean?" She asked, a confused expression loomed over her.
"You really think I'm just going to stay here forever, just accept my fate and be the luna?" I gave out a short laugh.
"Well yes, that's what usually happens" she still seemed really confused.
"I barely know the guy and you think I'm just going to stay here?"
She stayed silent for a second, thinking then continued.
"You won't be able to leave" excuse me?
"What? Is he going to lock me away so I can't escape" I laughed lowly and awkwardly, sort of afraid of the answer.
"No- well I mean he'd probably be one to do that, but it's not that. Its the fact that he's your mate, no matter how little you know him, you won't be able to stay away from him more than a couple months until you get depressed, suicidal...etc" She shrugged casually.
"Well I haven't felt anything yet, so I guess it just isn't meant to be"
The moment I even lay eyes on him my stomach was swarming with butterflies, what to do? What to do?

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