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We finally got to my bedroom and he placed me down on the bed and pulled the covers over me.
"Valentina will check up on you soon" He spoke awkwardly scratching the back of his neck and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Lovely" I sighed turning my back to him and pulling the blanket over my head, I just need some peace and quiet, I need to process my life.
"You should go on a run soon, you haven't turned since you got here" he advised, I didn't reply.
That was his sign to get up and leave, and he did, closing the door behind him.
He has a point though, as a wolf you need to turn every day, or you become weak and after some time turning can become so painful it can kill you...actually that sounds nice right about now.

With that thought my eyes slowly fluttered shut and I began drifting away, I don't think I've slept this much since I was in the womb to be honest.

Three hours later
"Wake up darling" I heard the faint voice of someone familiar, their hands on my shoulders shaking me lightly. I opened my eyes to reveal Valentina standing over me.
"Whats up?" I yawned, stretching my arms in the air.
"The Alpha requested I wake you to go for a run." She smiled.
"Of course he did" I scoffed, getting out of bed.
"He's right, not changing for this long can be dangerous Celia, now get up and go for a nice long run, stretch your legs, it's a nice sunny day today" She lectured, okay okay, fine.
"I'm going, I'm going" I put my hands up in defeat.

She smiled proudly at her win and exited the room.
Guess I should do what my dear 'mate' says and go do some running, because that sounds fun...Not.

Some time later
Finally I'm outside for the first time in a while, the forest was calm, birds were chirping and the huge trees hung above me creating craters of shade.
I began undressing, and I places my top and leggings in a crevice in between a large tree stump.
"Look who's taking me 'advice' " I turned around and there he was again! Can I never get away from this guy?!
"Why do you always walk in on the moments where I'm naked" I grunted, crossing my arms.
"Don't worry, their isn't much to look at" he reassured looking my bony figure up and down.
"Shut up ugly" I rolled my eyes.

The truth is he was anything but ugly, his face looked like it was personally carved by god himself. He had a large frame, thick arms and thighs, his body was plastered with muscles and I couldn't help but let my eyes trail down all the urm, I've never been so speechless.
"Like what you see" He smirked walking closer towards me.
"No you perv" I began walking away from him, but he sped to me and trapping me in between his stretched out arms, locking me in place.
"Don't pretend like you wouldn't love me inside-
"Okay that's enough of that" I cut his 'seductions' off and kneed him in between the legs, making him fall to the ground...haha.
"Not so irresistible now are ya" I laughed walking away trying to find a good clearing to change in. 
"Fuck you" I heard him groan in pain from the distance, right back at ya baby.

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