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"Now tell me why you really don't want to have this kid?" She sighed as she gulped down her third glass.
"I'm just so young-
"I call bullshit on that. Who cares if your young, you have an Alpha for a mate and he's stinking rich. Now what's the real reason?" She repeated her question, It was difficult to admit to myself, it's easier to not want this just because of my age...but theirs more to this.
"Fine...I'm scared I won't be a good mother. I mean how can I be? Look at how I ended up, I don't want to do that to my kid"
I admitted, I wasn't brought up with some wholesome family, I was always the one on the outside, the person nobody liked.
My brother on the other hand, he was adored, because he turned early and he was a social butterfly, people enjoyed his company...unlike me.
"Seriously that's it?!" She huffed.
"Lilliana" I groaned rolling my eyes, what happened to my sweet ol friend.
"No, what I mean is, of course your going to be a great mom! Your kind and caring and as much as you hate to admit it, you put others first, and that's why your going to be a great mother" she exclaimed.
"You really think so?"
"I know so! Now go and tell your man that your gonna have a baby!!!" She sang shoving me away with her feet.
"Okay okay, calm down" I chuckled as I stumbled to my feet and headed out.
Somehow most of my worries had disappeared, all the confusion and uncertainty gone just like that. Crazy how opinions can change so fast, maybe it's just my naivety.
I think I can do this, I mean it's not set in stone but...
Maybe there might just be a happy ending here for me.
I exited the attic and stumbled through the hallways searching for my mate, "Kai?"
I heard footsteps nearing towards me, but the smell was unfamiliar.

I didn't think anything of it, it may have just been a visitor, their's always strangers hanging around.
When I arrived at the end of the hall, I noticed one of the doors was a bit open, which is unusual because Valentina is insistent on always keeping doors closed, apparently it looks more "presentable".

I slowly pushed the door wide open to reveal Valentina sprawled on the floor, blood peppered all over her face.
"Oh my god"
I gasped as all of a sudden I felt a piece of cloth cover my nostrils, I tried not to breath in, but it was too late, I felt my muscles paralyse and my mind numbed, every wrong doing I have ever committed has led to this moment, don't hurt me...don't hurt my baby, is what I wanted to scream but no words exited my mouth. The edges of my site went dark and fuzzy and my vision blurred, and only moments afterwards I was gon-

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