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I dozed off again for an hour or two, and when I woke up so had he.
Both of us were only inches away from one another staring awkwardly at each other not knowing what to say.

"Hi" I greeted, this is the first time we've spoken properly in 6months.
"Hey" he smiled, his deep croaky morning voice gave me butterflies, it had been so long.

"I'm sorry I left, that was stupid" I sighed thinking about everything that had happened in the past 6months, everything that could have been prevented if I had just stayed, but I don't regret it, I learnt a lot, I realised that my place was with Kai, and nowhere else.

I haven't been happy in a long time, I have an eternal anxiety and guilt that's always eating away at me, but at this very moment next to him...the anxiety, the guilt is all gone.

"It's okay, I get it. It was partially my fault, I drove you away with my crappy attitude, but I'm improving" He smiled, I believe you.
I shuffled closer to him, all I wanted to do was feel his soft lips on mine, and so I did.
He wrapped himself around me even tighter as we made out passionately, 6months of tension all in one single kiss.

"Don't ever leave me again" He panted.
"I promise" I whispered. It felt so good giving in, no longer fighting the urge to love him is like a weight lifted from my shoulders, I thought I'd feel trapped, but I've never felt so free.

"But only if you brush your teeth" I snickered, "Oh like your breath smells so amazing, you've been in a coma for 2weeks, you have like ultimate bad breath" He laughed, oh shit, EW.
"Shut up" I giggled pinching his chest.
"Ouch, you've only been awake for a day and your already injuring me" He rolled his eyes jokingly.
"Okay enough playing about I want food, beautiful, tasty, food!" I sprinted up and raced downstairs.
"Wait for me" I heard his voice faintly in the distance, I need eggs and bacon right this second.
"Looks like your doing well" Valentina chuckled, "And sounds to me that you and the Alpha are getting along" she smirked which made me blush, ew this better not get all cutesy and shit, I am still a bad bitch, and speaking of bad bitches where is Lilliana?

"Celia, you're alive!" I heard a very familiar shrieking voice, obviously it was Lilliana, she rushed into the kitchen and engulfed me with a huge bear hug.
"Ouch, mind the stab wound" I groaned.
"Oh sorry" she giggled loosening her hug, I missed you to girl.
"But I am still mad at you and your dumb letter, I can't believe you left me!" She smack my arm...LILLIANA, I am an INJURED WOMAN.
"I'm sorry, I promise I'm not going to leave again" I reassured her, I was so busy greeting my friend that I didn't notice Katerina and Frankie in the doorway.

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