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I was cleaning up in the bathroom adjoined to my bedroom when I heard a scoff behind me. "What the hell was that" Kai demanded, his face was red. I couldn't tell wether he was angry or embarrassed of the fact that he got beat by a girl half his size.

"What was what?" I shrugged.
"Don't play dumb. I don't get you, I'm trying to be nice, to protect-
"I don't need protecting. And being 'nice' isn't making me seem like some weakling in front of everyone. Being 'nice' is actually being here instead of in your office all day digging around in what you can find on me" I hissed as I tore my clothes off my sweaty body until I was only covered with my sports bra and shorts.
"I apologised for that. And I wasn't trying to make you seem 'weak'. But she was hurting you" he ranted.

"It doesn't matter. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. You can't give me special treatment just because we're mates" I sighed unwrapping the bandages from my knuckles.
"You're the future Luna. Of course I have to give you special treatment, I need to make sure you don't die" he rolled his eyes like it was obvious.
"I'm 19 Kai, I've barely have my life together, and I'm still a rogue officially" I reminded him, he can't expect me to just settle down and become his pack Luna, I'm barely an adult for gods sake.

"Then let me make you apart of the pack" he mused stepping closer towards me.
"You mean you want to 'mate' " I chuckled rolling my eyes, ah mating, the ritual that bonds a wolf and his or her mate for life, connecting their body's and souls for eternity.
"Yes. What's wrong with that? It has to happen at some point" he pushed.
"What's wrong with it is that we'll be able to hear each others thoughts, feel one another's emotions. No ounce of privacy!" I shuddered at the thought of anyone hearing my thoughts, seeing everything I see, feeling everything I feel.

"Well I have nothing to hide" he rolled his eyes, emphasising the 'I', knowing I was the only one here with the secrets.
"I'm just not ready for that, and I don't know when I ever will be" I sighed, I don't blame him for feeling this way, the obvious thing to do is to mate with your...mate.
But I can't live with someone else in my head for the rest of my life, especially when I already have my annoying wolf, who by the way is still nowhere to be seen.

"Fine" he spoke lowly, a hint of disappointment in his voice. It bothered me that he was hurt, I'm not doing this on propose, I swear.
"I'm sorry. I know I'm difficult...but It's better this way" I smiled, he nodded and grunted a "sure" and left.

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