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"For what it's worth, I never thought you were dead, I knew you weren't home that night" I sighed.

Maybe a part of me wished he had died, so then I wouldn't have to face him, I wouldn't have to face my mistakes.
"What about them? Mom, dad...they died because of you!" He croaked.
"They tortured me!" I cried, so many years of expectations, being scolded and taunted for nothing, I just couldn't take it anymore.
"They were our parents-
"No they were your parents! They didn't love me Alex and you know it. Nobody gave a damn about me" I exploded, tears rushing out from deep within, tears I had tried to suppress for so many years.

"I gave a damn about you"
"And you left. You left me all alone with a bunch of strangers." he spoke coldly.
"I've tried to make so many excuses for you, and as to why you weren't there. But it was just because you were a coward, a traitor who killed her own family" he shouted.
My eyes darted to the doorway, Kai was leaning against the door a disappointed expression painted across his face.

"Your right. I am a coward, but I don't regret leaving them to die. Everyday in that hellhole felt like a death sentence. I know you wouldn't understand Alex, always praised and loved, in line to be the Alpha. I was older, smarter, stronger and yet I still didn't compare" I scoffed.

"Oh so you did it out of jealousy?"
"No, I did it out of fear. Fear that for the rest of my life I'd be imprisoned in that house bound to always be bellow you. You were 14 Alex, you didn't know what was really going on, those bruises and broken bits I came home with weren't from skating accidents or from being 'clumsy'. Pack members did that to me, they laughed at me when I was crying my eyes out from pain. It was the same guys you hung out with that would touch me, then throw me to the side like I was some used tissue, and you would call me boring because I didn't want to tag along on your outings.

I was scared for my life everyday, and at some point I just gave up, I would take any way out I could get my hands on" I croaked, I was treated like some stranger everyday of my life, like I meant nothing, and Alex...well he was too young to see what they were doing, so I would put on a brave face so that he wouldn't see the real pain I was in. It's easier to smile than to explain why your sad.

"I...didn't know?" He frowned.
"I am sorry for what I did Alex, and I am so damn sorry for what I did to you, and if I could go back I would do things differently. But I can't." I trembled, wiping the tears from my stained cheeks.
I sighed and made my way to the exit, I avoided all eye contact, I just needed to sit down.
My thoughts and emotions were a mess, I wondered what was going to happen next. I have no family, no money, no life...and now I'll have no mate either.

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