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3 weeks later
Time passed pretty quickly, me and Kai didn't talk much after that 'incident' he's been pretty busy with the council members, we share a few hello's here and there but other than that it's dead silent and a whole lot of awkwardness.

I've spent most of my days with Lilliana, her girl Reign didn't like me a whole lot so she never joined, except the occasional greeting and kiss to Lilliana and a juicy ol glare at me.

She was apart of the council members so she was always busy with some meeting, so Lilliana had a lot of spare time. I still hadn't found out the story between them and why she hadn't found her mate yet, but it really isn't my place. We started running together and training in the gym, we grew quit close actually...I've never really had a proper friend so I'm assuming this is what it feels like, and I won't lie I definitely don't mind it. I've become a little more familiar with the pack to, Frankie AKA Katerina's little brother is a pretty funny guy, not to bad looking either. I also found out the guy who jumped me that day in the forest AKA slender man is called Leo, he isn't all that bad either, a little quiet for my taste but he's alright.
And not to mention that Lilliana's older brother is a complete hottie. As much as I hated to admit it I was becoming quit accustomed to the 'pack' lifestyle even though I'm not officially a part of it, and I'm definitely not planning on ever being apart of another pack. I've had my fair share of 'wolf community' and that was more than I could handle, I don't want to be shackled to anything...or anyone, but as it seems I don't have much of a choice in that matter.

Right this minute I'm in the kitchen with Lil, both of us sat cross legged on the counter tops. For the third night in a row the rest of the pack is 'busy' with 'council' related things so once again it was just me and Lilliana all alone rummaging through the cupboards for something to eat.
"Ugh do they have nothing in this stupid house!? You'd think a bunch of millionaires living with like thirty people would have food somewhere" She rolled her eyes in frustration.
"We could just order in" I suggested, I hadn't eaten all day and I was starving. "Ugh I wish, but it is forbidden" she shrugged.
"Pardon me? What do you mean forbidden?" I questioned.
" in not allowed. They think someone seeing a huge mansion full of people could arouse suspicion...or they'd just think we're having a massive orgy" she snickered.
"Ew! Lils don't be gross, you know I have a three person limit" I joked, "Just me you and Reign" She laughed.
"Yeah, she'd probably stick her dildo so far up my ass I'd suffocate on it" I chuckled, "Knowing her...she probably would" She winked jokingly.
"So how has your love life been like, any more kisses from the Alpha?" She wiggled her eyebrows, yeah it was definitely a mistake telling her about what happened, she brings it up every chance she gets.

"What love life? And it was a twenty second kiss, no big deal. And he is married!" I scoffed remembering that he is a taken man.

"Well...a little birdy told me that she saw some divorce paperworks on his desk" She grinned wiggling her eyebrows even more intensely., so he's getting a divorce? Good to know...

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