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Kai's POV
Could it be? Do I finally get to see my mate? A part of me is afraid of what I may find. She could be traumatised...bloodied and bruised crying in some prison...or she may be dead. I don't know which is worse.
I guess I'll find out soon. I have over twenty men, and fifteen more from another pack. We raid tomorrow night. It's finally time that I go get my mate and bring her back home.

Everyone's ready. We're deep into the forest right on the border of the country. I expected somewhere abandoned and dirty, but it's a rather quant and tidy house, not the place you'd expect for the most dangerous rogue organisation to take place.
We attack on my go ahead, most of the men have turned, we're stronger that way but I decided to stay human, I want to get her myself. I clutch a gun in my hand, ready to put a bullet through the son of a bitch who caused all this.
I raised my hand and gestured towards the house and everyone began running  towards the house, knocking the door down.
I heard muffled screams and lot of fighting, the commotion was loud but I doubt anyone is around here, it's pretty secluded.
Once the sounds had died down I made my way towards the entrance and entered the place I've been looking for for the past four months.
The floor was riddled with blood and dead bodies, it doesn't bother me as long as I get to see her. I made my way up the staircase, shoving open all the doors one after the other, each revealing an empty room.
She's not here.
Why isn't she fucking he-
"Kai" a voice as sweet as honey spoke from behind me, a shiver ran down my spine, all my muscles tensed as I turned around.
She stood there, she wasn't dead, she wasn't bloody or bruised.
She was beautiful.
Her shoulders cradled her long brown hair, she wore a knitted jumper and leggings.
An awkward smile pained on her face.
"Oh my god" I snapped myself out of my haze when I realised I was staring.
I ran towards her engulfing her in my embrace.
"I fucking found you" I smiled, a tear rolled down my cheek.
Before any of us could say anything else I pressed my lips against hers, it feels like years have gone by since I got to feel her against me.

Third person POV
Though the moment was shortly interrupted.
"First you break into my house, then you brutally murder my people. And now your kissing my lady. And they call me sadistic" A voice unfamiliar to Kai rasped.
"Your him" letting go of her he aligned his gun towards the strangers head without a second thought, his finger sliding across the trigger.
"Well hello to you to" Draven grinned, completely unfazed by the gun pointed at him.
"Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. I'm going to finally rid the world of you pathetic excuse for a person" his words were laced with anger and revenge, he never wanted to end  someone's life so badly.

All of a sudden he felt a gentle hand on his arm. "Don't...please" he snapped his head towards the pleading voice, it was Celia.
When he got a closer look at her he noticed something was off, her eyes were no longer there original colour, they were a deep pink, but this wasn't the moment to be asking questions.
"What are you doing, dont you want him dead?" He growled, his jaw clenched.


"Why?" He frowned, confusion washed over him, why the hell would she want the sicko who kidnapped her to be kept alive?

"Because I love him"

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