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Celia's POV
It's been almost three weeks, I've been keeping track. Theres been no sign of any rescue. I'm sat on the floor with my legs splayed out leaning against the wall. They don't give me enough food here, I'm scared...for the baby. He doesn't know I'm pregnant and I hope it stays that way, I don't know what he'd do if he found out...he seems like the kind of guy that'd be jealous of a foetus.

He occasionally comes into my room, talks to me like I'm his pet, touches me and kisses me. It brought back memories I thought I had forgotten, memories I kept locked away.
I tried to resist at first but then he'd just use something to put me to sleep and I'd wake up paralysed for days. He hasn't tried anything too bad though, I'm thankful for that at least. But I know it's coming, he won't stay patient for long, he says he'd prefer it if I were to "surrender myself" to him, which is obviously never going to happen.

Maybe I can just close my eyes, pretend it's not real or imagine it's Kai. I miss him. I think about him everyday, I wonder what he's doing. Is he looking for me right now? Does he even know I'm missing? Maybe they think I just ran away again. I bet he's thinking "Once a rogue, always a rogue".
I feel a pang in my chest, the thought of him sitting around thinking I've just run away, just another one of my tricks, that really hurts.
"Where are you Kai?" I mutter to myself as a tear trickles down my cheek which I quickly wipe away when I hear footsteps coming towards my room.
It's him.
"How is my princess doing today" He grinned as he entered the room closing the door and locking it behind him.

Kai's POV
Another sleepless night. That kiss was as far as it went with Katerina, it was just a moment of weakness, and that was weeks ago. The thought of cheating on Celia makes me sick, I don't want anyone else but her.
My Celia, why you? Why does your life have to be so hard, it isn't fair, her whole life has been miserable until she came here. I saw into her head, the only time she felt an ounce of joy was with me and I can't say I felt to much before her either. Don't get me wrong, I had a great childhood, my parents weren't always around but I had a privileged life, but I never truly felt anything until I met her.
I didn't want to admit it to myself at first, the thought of a rogue as my mate really ticked me off, but everything about her from the second I laid my eyes on her enticed me.
I made her feel bad so many times for being a rogue, when in reality all I wanted to do was touch her and kiss her and hold her. Maybe this is Karma, I wasn't grateful enough for her, and now the universe has snatched her away from me.
And not only her, but my baby to. The two most important people in my life, taken, just like that.

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