Chapter Thirty Six

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I know I only updated like seven days ago or something but I had motivation to write so I thought I should actually post this before I forget haha! Writing this chapter hurt my heart though, but enjoy!


Nylah and Loki snuck onto the ship shortly after they witnessed their home planet quite literally turn to dust. Thor, the Hulk and Valkyrie all made it safely onto the ship before the planet was destroyed, and that was the only thing that relieved her. It did not take away the heavy feeling she felt in her heart as they walked further into the ship, and even as they reached a room, her heart only felt heavier.

She forced herself to sit on a bed in the corner of the room when her hands began to grow hot, a light glow of white forming in the palms of her hands. She took in deep breaths, though they still remained erratic no matter how hard she tried to focus on it. Loki was unsure of what to do as he sat across from her, watching hopelessly as his sister fell apart in front of him. She forced her mind to focus on the good – that Hela is gone, so is Surtur, her family are safe, her people are safe, but what was the price? Her home was gone. Her father was gone. They had nowhere to go. She lost almost everything.

Loki moved from his seat on the chair to sit beside his sister after noticing her panicked breathing and faintly glowing hands. He had not known how to comfort her at first. He had eased her crying as a child by hugging her or giving her a special treat that he had snuck from the kitchen. But no hug, and no special snack could take away her pain, and that killed him inside. All he could do was gently hold her hands, forcing her to look at him, and hope that this was enough to calm her for only a second. As he stared down at her, as her blue eyes stared up at him, he felt his heart shatter again. His sister was broken.

"Everything is going to be okay, sister." Loki whispered reassuringly, though it sounded as though he was trying to reassure himself as well as his sister.

"How can you be certain?"

Loki smiled softly as he lifted his hand to gently caress her cheek, wiping away the stray tears. "Because your big brothers will ensure it."

Nylah frowned. "Being a big brother is not a power, Loki."

Loki shrugged his shoulders as he removed his hand from her face, but a cheeky grin remained on his lips. "You would be surprised what powers come to you by being a big brother."

They sat in silence for a moment as they both lost themselves in thought. Nylah could only think about where they could go to now, a new place to call home, a safe haven. They needed somewhere far enough for Asgard's enemies to keep away from, somewhere with little to no threats. She wanted, needed, to live the rest of her life out in peace, surrounded by happiness and light, without even a hint of darkness. The last few days were too much for her to keep fighting. She needed to rest, to grieve the death of her parents, so that she could enjoy and live out the rest of her life without pain.

"Perhaps you should go greet your people, sister." Loki suggested calmly after a short while, his hand resting upon her own. "Seeing you will ease their nerves."

"They are your people too, brother." Thor emerged into the room, a small stone in his hands as readied himself to throw it at Loki. "Even if you are not truly here."

As Thor threw the stone, Loki had lifted his hand to catch it just in time. "I'm here, brother."

A small, adoring smile curved into her lips at the sight of her two brothers finally together without being in a life or death situation. "Do you remember, whenever you arrived home from a war, after being gone for weeks at a time... the way we would greet each other? After all that time being apart?"

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