Chapter Twenty-Three

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I know this is late but happy holidays! I wish everyone the best for next year. :)

It wasn't long before Peter and Nylah had successfully "borrowed" Flash's car, and that left Nylah sitting in the passenger seat with someone who had only ever driven in car-parks to drive the vehicle. She could admit to herself that at first, she assumed Peter would magically know how to drive, but boy was she wrong. They sped past cars and almost crashed the car about a thousand times, but the worst part was when Peter had to make a sudden turn and rolled the car.

Thankfully, the only injury either of them had was a mere scratch and maybe a bruise if they were lucky. Nylah made a mental note to heal him later, when all this was over – because she had a bad feeling that he was about to get more than just a scratch when she found herself standing in front of an abandoned warehouse.

It was dark and gloomy; it reminded Nylah of a horror film she had once seen the Avengers watching only a few years ago. There were cracked and broken windows scattered along the building and it the wood had looked so old that it was about to collapse; it had not looked safe at all. Her hand slipped into Peter's out of fear, finding comfort in his warm hand and the way it instinctively wrapped around her small hand.

"It's not too late to back out." Peter spoke up quietly as his thumb gently caressed the back of Nylah's hand to calm her nerves.

Nylah shook her head at him. "I'm not letting you die."

An awkward silence had fallen over the pair as they climbed up untrustworthy building; both teenagers concentrating on getting to the top. Nylah had thoughts in the back of her mind whether she should put her Asgardian strength to use and grab onto the brown-eyed boy and take him back to the tower, but she knew she could not. The winged man needed to be stopped, and deep down, she knew that Peter was the only one who could.

Peter, however, for once in his life, he was scared about losing it. He knew he would not let himself die, but he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he did. He knew about Nylah's past, and his aunt had already lost so much in her life. And poor Ned... the boy would be left to go through high school without his best friend by his side. But putting aside his own life; he worried about Nylah's. She was the most selfless and kind goddess of them all (even if Peter had only ever met one goddess in his life), what if she lost her life tonight to protect him? Or what if she got hurt because of him? She could heal Peter before he has the chance to die; but who would heal her if she got hurt?

Peter had to push the feelings aside as Nylah peeled back one section of the roof with her strength. It had not gone unnoticed by Peter; he was amazed at her strength, but he was still worried for her.

He chewed on his bottom lip nervously and shot a web against the corner of the roof before ensuring that it was secure. The pair of them had sat down and allowed their legs to dangle in the building before Peter slowly and gently wrapped his hand securely around the girl's waist. Nylah's breath hitched in her throat as she was brought closer to him; her faces inches apart from his. Peter's heart was beating faster than it has ever before; but he could not let this distract him.

With a gulp, Peter slid off the roof with Nylah in his arms and slowly lowered them down until their feet was safely planted on the ground. As soon as Nylah had recognised that they were safe to walk around, she parted from him – and she was not sure why. She would give anything to be in his arms, but perhaps her mind was too preoccupied with making sure that nothing was lurking in the shadows that could possibly harm Peter.

The open-spaced room had not looked as run-down and broken as the outside of the warehouse had. The walls were cement and looked as if they would not be breaking anytime soon with no cracks in the wall; nothing. There was a large desk in the middle that had many computer screens scattered along it, each with their own keyboard. Pictures and videos of the tower and inside of it were shown with time stamps, and Nylah could only assume that the winged man had been watching Tony Stark this whole time. However, the only question that ran through her mind was – why?

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