Chapter Twenty-One

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The ending is really bad so I would like to apologise in advance for it. :)

Both Nylah and Pepper stared at one another as soon as those words left Happy's lips; Pepper seemed to be filled with excitement while on the other hand, Nylah, was filled with nervousness. She could feel her hands sweating as she nodded her head, ignoring Tony's words as the older man disappeared into his bedroom to escape the awkwardness of having to encounter Peter Parker. Nylah ran to the elevator doors with both Pepper and Happy running after her, as her slender fingers pressed against the elevator button continuously until the doors finally opened.

She rushed into the elevator and found herself by the buttons once again, and she pressed 'G' as Pepper and Happy pushed themselves in, panting and breathing heavily. As the doors closed, Nylah could feel butterflies in her stomach as she thought of Peter. Tonight, she was prepared for fun, laughter, jokes, tears and goodbyes. She hoped that this 'homecoming' thing would last forever if it meant that she would not have to say goodbye to her friends; but then again, she wanted the elevator to hurry up so she could finally see Peter.

Finally, with a sharp ding, the elevator doors opened and Nylah was out of that elevator the moment she could fit through the doors. Unfortunately, she was slowed down when Happy had told her that she needed to follow him. She was unsure of why Happy could not have just told her where Peter was; but she did not argue.

Happy sent a sharp nod to a security guard who returned it, just before the large glass doors opened and the chill breeze of the night air had brushed against her cheeks. She instinctively looked at the two figures standing awkwardly beside the bushes, and her heart felt as though it was about to pump through her chest the moment she saw a certain curly-haired and chocolate-eyed boy.

When his aunt May gave him a gentle nudge with her elbow, Peter stared at her with confusion before he followed where her eyes had been looking at. Nylah's heart fluttered when his eyes found hers, but then she found herself too busy staring at him in awe. She had never seen Peter in a suit before, and usually she found human formal-wear rather unusual... but on Peter? He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her life.

Her eyes stared at his body; up and down, until she caught a plastic box with a pale blue flower in it that was held in his hands. Confused, she turned to Pepper (who was giggling to herself as she took photos with a mobile device).

"Is that the flower thing you told me about? The one I put on my wrist?" She curiously asked aloud.

"Yes, but actually... well, traditionally..." Peter's stuttered voice turned Nylah's attention away from Pepper and back to the boy she was falling for. "I... I'm the one who puts it on your wrist – as your... erm, date."

Nylah's eyes flicked between the plastic box and her pale wrist, and with a little nod, she held out her wrist. "Okay."

Peter nervously gulped as he turned to May for reassurance, in which she softly smiled and squeezed his shoulder gently. While May moved away from Peter to stand beside Pepper, Peter's hands were shaking uncontrollably – so much that it made Nylah feel the need to comfort him. May and Pepper giggled to one another as they took photos; but the two teenagers were yet to take notice of it yet. Nylah's only focus was Peter, in that moment. Her eyes watched him intently as he took small steps toward her until he was standing a foot in front of her.

Her lips curved into a comforting smile that instantly warmed Peter's heart, and suddenly, she noticed that his hands were less shaky. His hands fumbled with the plastic box until he got it open, his hand diving in to gently remove the corsage from the box. He handed the box to May before his soft hand gently grabbed hold of her wrist and he brought it closer to him. Nylah's breath had hitched in her throat when his hands came in contact with the skin of her arm, but she tried to act if it had not affected her.

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