Chapter Twenty-Five

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Twenty minutes had passed and Nylah had now found herself sitting on top of a "rollercoaster" with Peter sitting beside her. She had not understood the human's fascination to ride these strange looking carts that seemed extremely dangerous, especially when they were to weak and could easily die. She had not brought up her confusion with Peter, though, considering that he was a human that most likely enjoyed riding them. Peter had other things to worry about aside from Nylah's confusion about the human's way of entertainment.

He stared over at the beach where they had tied Vulture to Tony's belongings, in a spot where the police and Happy would find him. He was watching intently with a smile curving onto his lips, a proud smile, and Nylah could not help but smile too. It was nice to see him happy and proud of himself, the way that he should always feel.

The air was chilly and the chilling breeze brushed against her exposed skin and through her messy hair, but she didn't mind. She found herself staring down at the dress she was wearing, and her heart sunk at the state of it. Dust had covered it and sunk into the fabric, the first layer of fabric around the skirt of the dress had holes in it or it had been stretched to make an unusual mark on it. Small rocks were embedded into the dress now, and the beautiful detail on the boddess of the dress ceased to exist. Half of it had been ripped off harshly and what remained on it had holes or had been slightly been teared. It saddened her to see such a beautiful dress become so damaged in only a night. The night that she was supposed to look beautiful, and enjoy the last night with her new friends. To enjoy her last moments with someone she was falling for.

She didn't want to leave Peter, and if she could, she would stay with him forever. All she wanted was to be with him. But she had a family to back to and a kingdom to care for. She could not throw away her entire life for a boy, no matter how much she admired him. She wondered what would become of them in years to come, if he would forget about her and move on or if he would wait for her for the rest of his life. It hurt her to think of him moving on, but she didn't want him to wait for her. Her home was Asgard.

"Hey..." Peter's soft-spoken voice had forced her out of her thoughts as his hand gently laced with hers, their fingers intertwining instinctively. "We just defeated the bad guy and we're still alive. Why do you look so sad?"

Nylah nervous chewed on her bottom lip, hesitating with her answer. "I... do not want to leave you, Peter."

"Then stay." His brown eyes had lit up with excitement and hope and his hand gently squeezed her own. It hurt her so much to have to let him down like this. He wanted her to stay, she could see it in his eyes and hear the hope in his words, but she could not stay.

"I cannot, Peter." She sighed in a sad manner. She could feel her lips trembling and her eyes stinging, but she was raised to never show her weaknesses, so she hid it.

"You've got a family on Asgard..." His shoulders sunk down and he lowered his head, nodding ever so slightly. "I understand."

"Barely." She mumbled, not realising that the word that he was not supposed to hear had been said aloud, rather than in her mind. However, it was true. There was barely a family to go back to. Loki was gone, her mother was gone, Thor was probably on another mission, and that left her with her father. The man she does not see often, even in her own home.

"Then why do you have to go back?" Peter asked calmly, but the excitement he had was slowly building up as he imagined what it would be like to have the Asgardian stay on Earth. "You can live with Aunt May and I, I'm sure she won't mind. Plus, Tony has like a zillion rooms in the tower so I can't see why you couldn't stay there. You've got school, you like school, right? You'll have Ned and me. We'll go to college together, too!"

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