Chapter Thirteen

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Dressed in the baby blue bikini that Liz had given her, Nylah gave in and exited the bedroom with a white towel in her hands. Liz and Nylah went to what humans called a vending machine, which there, they would buy a bunch of unhealthy but delicious foods that they could eat when they come back to their bedrooms later that night. Liz complained that they were expensive, though Nylah did not know what was and what wasn't expensive on Earth.

After knocking on each door that belonged to Midtown High students, the two girls walked along the path that would eventually lead to the pool area. Everyone walked in front of them and Nylah could not help but realise that Ned and Peter were yet to join them, though she had tried not to think too much about it with Liz by her side. Nylah swore that the teenage girl beside her could practically read her thoughts.

As Nylah walked along the path with her eyes seeming to only be interested in the concrete that her warm feet continued to make contact with, another teenage boy exited his bedroom in warmer clothes without any warning. As soon as he stepped outside of the bedroom, both Nylah and the boy had no time to react and stop in their tracks. Their bodies crashed together and Nylah's hands loosened their grips on the chocolate bars, sending them flying to the floor. Liz giggled lightly beside her when she realised who Nylah had walked into – Peter freaking Parker.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Peter squeaked with a stutter as he quickly bent down and picked all of the chocolate bars up and shoving them into Nylah's arms. Nylah, who still had barely processed what was happening, stared blankly at the boy in front of her. Liz could feel the awkward tension and all she wanted to do was help a girl out, despite the fact that she too, had a small crush on the younger boy. "Uh, um, I was just going to go study in the business center."

"Peter, you don't need to study, you're like the smartest guy I've ever met." Liz says with a small smile before she lightly nudges Nylah's shoulder. "And, so does the smartest girl I've ever met."

Nylah turned to Liz with wide eyes before she turned back to Peter. Not that Nylah noticed, but Peter's breath hitched in his throat and he gulped, staring at Nylah with a look that she could not recognise. She kept telling herself that it was hate, and even betrayal, but another little voice in her head was telling her to remember what Ned and Liz had been telling her.

"I have never seen a guy look at someone the way that looks at you."

"Peter thinks so too. He talks about you, all the time. Even when he is mad at you."

"Everyone knows it." Nylah mumbled, her eyes staring into Peter's as he gulped again lightly. Liz smirked to herself as she caught Peter's eyes taking in Nylah's look; her blue bikini fitting Nylah perfectly and her long blond hair hanging over her shoulders, a couple strands untucking themselves from behind her ear. Liz wondered how such a beautiful girl could be so shy – I mean, she had the clearest skin that Liz had ever seen a sophomore have!

"I'll meet you at the pool, Ny." Liz said quietly as she walked away, but not before she turned around and sneaked a wink at Nylah before she jogged around the corner with the rest of their classmates. Nylah watched her leave before her eyes drifted back to Peter, who had shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I should go, you know, study." Peter cleared his throat awkwardly as Nylah frowned, her gaze falling back to the floor. Peter tucked his lip between his teeth as he debated actually leaving Nylah to feel guilty again, or if he should stay for another few seconds to talk to the girl that managed to make him feel like butterflies were swarming in his stomach every time, he looked at her. He went with the second option. "I know that you're sorry. Ned told me a few things... a-about your brother. How much you miss home, too. I lost my parents and my uncle, so, I guess I know a bit about what it feels like to lose people that played such a huge role in your life."

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