Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: This is completely optional and just a suggestion, but you can listen to Heart by Sleeping At Last while you read this. It's what I was listening too as I was writing this chapter :)

Peter and Nylah's relationship drastically changed after the moment he saved her life. The awkward tension that was once there had now ceased to exist; as if nothing had ever happened. Peter had even gone to the effort of helping the Asgardian pack her bags once he was finished, despite the scolds he had received from Mr. Harrington for staying back at the hotel when they needed him. Every few minutes as they packed Nylah's suitcase, their knuckles would gently brush against one another's. Nylah swore to herself that she felt something the moment her soft skin touched his; and little did she know, Peter had felt the same thing. A blush rose to his cheeks and he tried to get rid of it, meanwhile, Nylah was yet to notice his blush. She was so caught up in trying to figure out what that funny feeling was in her heart. She had never felt anything like it before.

When it was time to climb on to the bus, the pair sat together in comfortable silence. Whilst the rest of the members in the team quietly spoke to their teammates about the incident that unfolded just yesterday, Ned had been on his phone texting both Peter. As Nylah's blue eyes turned to Peter, she found herself staring in awe.

The evening sun was streaming through the bus window and onto Peter's smooth skin. His skin glowed and so did his brown eyes; it was a beautiful sight the became stunning the moment a smile curved its way onto his red lips. His fingers gently tapped against his phone, typing words into sentences for Ned to read the moment his thumb would press 'enter'. Although the technology in Peter's hands still confused the Asgardian more than ever, her eyes remained on the boy beside her.

Peter's smile faded the moment he noticed that Nylah's eyes were on him. His brown eyes were still filled with happiness, and his happiness was just as contagious as his laugh.

"Is everything okay?" He asked her, his concern for her wellbeing taking over his happiness for only a short moment.

"Yes." Nylah replied simply, a small smile forming on her lips.

"Are you sure? You look tired." Peter's brows furrowed together in concern and Nylah was not sure if she liked someone being concerned for her. Wasn't she the one that was supposed to be concerned for everyone? Besides, she couldn't tell him that she was scared to fall asleep every night. He would view her differently.

"I am okay, Peter." Nylah insisted, her eyes moving to watch the sun slowly moving downwards as the blue sky slowly turned orange.

With the sky now dark and decorated with bright stars, the bus was just a block away from the school. Nylah was fast asleep beside Peter, her head gently resting against his shoulder as his fingers continued to tap against his phone. As soon as Nylah's sleepy head fell against his shoulder, his phone was out of his pocket and sending messages to Ned. He had to distract himself from the beautiful blonde that slept beside him, otherwise, his face would become so red people would assume his skin had been sunburnt.

Peter: We're almost at the school. Should I wake her?

Ned: Well, uh, YEAH!
Also, can you ask her if that have a Burger King in Asgard? Or do they just eat fruits? I really want to know.

As Peter's eyes scanned Ned's text with a small smile forming, he began to feel Nylah shaking lightly against him. At first, he assumed the bus has caused for her to shake. Perhaps the bus ran over something small, but not big enough to make everyone else shake. However, he knew that was stupid. Especially when he accidentally brushed his hand against her arm and felt her clammy and hot skin.

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