Chapter Thirty-Three

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I wrote this chapter backwards while my laptop was on 20%. My laptop is only on like 6% now, publishing this chapter, so I really do apologise for the bad quality. My writer's block has been so bad lately but I hope this will do for now! The next few chapters are about to get hectic.

"Loki?" Nylah mumbled in disbelief.


Valkyrie walked further into the room, making her way right towards the kitchen without a hint of hesitation. Thor stepped forward and grabbed a random golden object that was sat on a pearly white table, before he ditched it at Loki's head. Loki barely flinched as the object clunked with his forehead, before the clunk sound of the object falling against the tiled floor echoed. Bruce Banner looked terrified. Nylah had almost forgot that the last time the human had seen Loki, was when he was trying to take over Midgard.

Loki, unamused, looked up at his brother. "Ow."

"Just had to be sure." Thor shrugged his shoulders as he walked to Valkyrie

Bruce, stupidly, walked toward Loki while Nylah followed her blonde brother to the kitchen. Her plan was to somehow convince the very stubborn Valkyrie to unchain her brother, hopefully believing that Loki would stay civil if Nylah was there. However, Valkyrie did not seem to be one to listen to requests.

"Is that a Dragonfang?" Thor's whole entire face had lit up at just the sight of the sword.

"Yes..." Valkyrie simply responded, unaware of the affect the sword had on the Prince of Asgard.

Thor strides to the sword – a sword that Nylah had read about in a book once, but she mainly only heard stories about the Valkyrie and their swords by Thor. There were Nylah's bed time stories whenever Thor had the chance to tuck her into bed when she was young, after the young princess would beg her brother for a story. But now, looking at the sword, she strangely thought of Ned. He would have loved to see this sword, or anything everywhere. He would have loved to see Asgard, too. Perhaps one day, she should bring the boys to Asgard – when this was all over.

However, this should not be on her mind for the moment. She had other worries – such as getting her older brother out of those chains.

"Valkyrie, perhaps it is unnecessary for you to keep my brother in chains."

Bruce, scared, vigorously shook his head in disagreement. "Unnecessary? Nylah, did you hear what he just said to me?"

Valkyrie bluntly looked at Nylah before she moved to talk to Thor about a plan to get them out of there. Nylah, sighing, walked over to the kitchen where Bruce stood, and leaned her hands flat against the marble counter-top. Whatever Loki said to Bruce, would have been purely out of fun in attempt to scare him off. Loki was the God of Mischief, after all. It was a shame that Bruce was so easily scared.

Nylah sighed and rested her hands on her hips. "What did he say to you, Bruce?"

"Well... it was concerning," Bruce lowered his voice, eyes darting in between Nylah and Loki, scared that the God of Mischief would hear him. "He made it seem like he was going to, well, you know... kill people."

Nylah's eyes widened. "Kill people? As in you?"

"He scares me, Nylah." Bruce whined. "I am terrified of that man.

When Nylah turned back to look at her raven-haired brother, while Bruce waddled over to Thor and Valkyrie, Loki did not seem scary at all. But then again, Loki had never tried to threaten her or purposely scare her away the way he does with others. The Loki she knew was far different from the Loki everyone else knew. Her Loki was the big brother that would help her escape bed time so that she could watch him do magic tricks all night long until she fell asleep, and the type of brother that would kill any enemy that would dare to lay a finger on a single strand of hair. He was her protector. But to the others, perhaps he was nothing but a killer.

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