Chapter Twenty-Seven

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This year seems to be getting worse. As a white person, I do not have to worry and take precautions when walking or driving by a police officer. What happened to George Floyd and many other victims of racism and murder from police officers, was completely unnecessary and unacceptable. I will not tolerate racism. Please take the time to sign the petition - it will take less than thirty seconds. We must do all we possibly can to help get justice for George. 


Nylah and Loki had begun their journey to the Bifrost, both siblings walking faster than they usually would – all thanks to Thor, who had been so caught up in his anger that he took the faster approach by himself. Well, honestly, Nylah hadn't minded so much. While Thor was stuck impatiently waiting at the Bifrost, Nylah was given the opportunity to take in the sights of her home. She really did miss her home, its beauty, and her people. Not to mention, her brothers. She was even more ecstatic to have Loki by her side as they walked; even if his mere presence caused for multiple Asgardians to gasp as they walked by, whispering to those around them. Their whispers were becoming rather annoying the more they had walked, but she would not dare to mention it. She tried her best to focus on spending time with Loki before their father would arrive home. She knew that from there, only chaos and arguments would arise from there. After all, Loki did send their father away.

Nylah smiled politely as a woman stopped in her tracks and bowed to their princess, before she continued to walk. While the woman merely glanced at Loki, not that he had minded so much, the raven-haired brother stared down at his sister with a smile. He watched on as her eyes scanned the buildings and trees around her, and how a feeling of warmth had formed itself in Loki. He loved the way that the young girl looked at the world – how despite all of this evil, she managed to still have that shine in her eyes. A shine that Loki lost a long time ago.

"I suppose you missed home then?" Loki teased as his sister tore her eyes away from Asgard, and to her older brother instead.

Nylah smiled shyly after snapping back into reality. "Yes. I have missed home dearly."

"Is Midgard still full of weak—" Loki cut himself off when Nylah cocked an eyebrow and gave him a warning look, and for a moment, he had forgotten about the positives of Nylah's experience. It was strange... how she loved a planet full of weak and selfish humans. "Sorry. How did you like Midgard?"

He already knew the answer, not that Nylah had really known. She was still under the impression that perhaps she was just going a little crazy because of the grief. She was afraid of Loki's reaction if she had brought up seeing him – the last thing she wanted was for her family to think that she was crazy.

"I liked it very much." Nylah truthfully answered, smiling at the thought of her friends. At the thought of Peter.

"Do you miss it?" Loki curiously asked; he knew how much she seemed to love it, and the people, and honestly... a part of him was scared that one day, she'd leave home to be with them. After watching over her for the past few months while she was in Midgard, he could not help but feel guilt. He watched her on nights where she cried herself to sleep, where she'd stare blankly at the wall and it was evident to him that his sister was lonely. But it was different when she was with that boy, the one that referred to himself as a spider. Not the best choice, if it was Loki's opinion... Anyway, when she was with that boy, it was obvious that he made her happy. What if Nylah left to be with him? Leaving Loki all alone with a brother that has grown to hate him?

"Yes, I made friends that I miss." Nylah smiled politely at those who bowed to her as they begun to approach the bridge. "Midgard is incredibly different from Asgard... but, there's still a beauty to it. Without all the gold and astonishing architecture that we have, they have their nature and their unique way of life. But, mostly, I miss my friends."

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