Chapter Twelve

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The next day came around and Nylah was back to at school, dressed in a black and white striped shirt that was neatly tucked into her black skirt with her denim jacket keeping her arms warm. She played with the sleeves of her jacket nervously as she stood beside Ned, who stood a little to the back of the group alongside another girl – Michelle. Nylah had not talked to Michelle before, and she wanted to have a go at it, then she remembered that after the whole thing with Vulture, she would be heading back home. She did not want to make any more friends if she was only going to leave and only see them when another problem arises.

"Peter?" As soon as the name fell past a feminine voice, Nylah's eyes lit up and butterflies piled into her stomach and flew around carelessly. Everyone watched as Peter jogged his way towards the school bus, a nervous look on his face and he was yet to spot Nylah standing beside Ned and Michelle. "What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, I was hoping I could maybe rejoin the team." Peter suggests before his eyes drifted from Liz's to Ned, to then Nylah. Nylah could feel betrayal coming off of him as he stared at her with a look of hurt and sorrow, causing for Nylah to look down and for that butterfly feeling to vanish.

"No, no way." Flash interrupts as he stomps towards Peter with angry eyes. "You can't just quit on us, stroll up and be welcomed back by everyone."

As if on cue, Mr. Harrington stepped off of the bus with forms in his hand and a bright smile on his lips. "Hey, welcome back, Peter!" As the teacher went on to explaining to Flash about his position change, which is given to Peter without hesitation, Nylah could feel Peter's eyes burning into her body.

Nylah slowly looked up to find that Peter had moved his eyes to Ned, almost death glaring the poor guy. Ned shrugged his shoulders at his best friend with a cheeky grin on his lips while Peter gulped, his eyes hesitantly wandering back to Nylah's. He stared at her with a look that Nylah could not recognise, though she told herself it was betrayal and that was the end of it. Because that is what felt. Betrayed – surely. Nylah knew that she would if she were in Peter's position, finding out that your friend isn't really your friend, and only made it seem so because of a mission to stop him from doing anything stupid.

"Protesting is patriotic," Mr. Harrington spoke before he used his hands to gesture to the kids to get themselves onto the school bus. "Let's get on the bus."

Peter leaned his back against the window as Liz quizzed the team, each having their own buzzer resting on the top of the seats in front of them. Liz read out questions that Peter ignored, his attention on his best friend and the girl that he thought he could call his friend, Nylah Davis – Odinsdottir. Nylah Odinsdottir.

He watched as Ned excitingly asked Nylah questions, presumably about Asgard and what life was like there – because although Peter would not admit it to himself yet, he wanted to know more about it too. He wanted to know how life was different for Asgardians compared to humans on Earth, the only thing he did know was that Asgardians age a lot slower than humans do, which only made Peter question Nylah's age. She could not be fifteen when Thor was thousands and thousands of years old... or at least, that's what Google said when Peter searched late at night to learn everything he could about the Odinson/Odinsdottir family. He relied heavily on Google, which always has the possibility of its information being false, when he had an Asgardian only a foot away from him.

But he couldn't become friends with her just because he wants to learn about Asgardians, he could not do what she did. He knew that it was a different situation – Tony was just because over protective of Peter and constantly treating him like a little kid, hence why he sent an Asgardian to look out for Peter. Which, another thing, that did not make sense. As Peter searched on Google all night, he could not find a single thing about her abilities until he stumbled up on an old book that was on the internet. It had Thor in it as well as Loki – the God of Mischief, and for a second, Peter thought that he could not find Nylah until he stumbled across a title – Goddess of Healing. Peter found it strange that her brothers had gifts like magic and thunder and lightning, but Nylah? She had the most beautiful gift one could have. The ability to heal those who have been hurt; and now with Peter watching her smile to his best friend, everything was beginning to make sense.

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