Chapter Eighteen

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When Nylah stepped off the Staten Island Ferry and into the boarding building, she ensured that she apologised to the security guards as well as the staff. It did not seem like they had accepted her apology considering that she still had not paid, but after everything that happened on the Ferry, they seemed to have decided to let her go. As for the poor taxi driver that was yet to be paid... she had not found him waiting outside for her, so, she figured that he let her go too. However, she decided that rather than getting a cab, she would walk home. She was not exactly happy to call Happy, considering that Tony was now home and probably wanted to fire her.

She did not protect Peter. She was hopeless today. She deserved to walk home, even though she had not really known where to go.

While walking down the streets of New York, she had one stop she wanted to make before she decided to walk to her temporary home – and that was Peter's apartment. While getting of the ferry, she had heard a couple of people talking about Iron-Man and how he saved the day once again, so, she figured that Peter must have gotten into big trouble too. She wanted to make sure that he was okay after everything.

She took her phone out of her pocket to put her address into Google Maps (thanks to Pepper, who had taught her that before she went on the trip to Washington) but she had stopped herself when she turned her phone on. Her phone was flooded with notifications from Tony, Happy and Pepper – about ten from each of them. There was only one message from Peter, and that was a missed call. This time, though, he had left a message.

Nylah ducked into a retail store on the side of the street for just a few seconds while she could listen to Peter's message, and tucked herself in the corner of it before she unlocked her phone and clicked on the message. She turned her volume up and pressed the phone against her ear.

"Uh, hey, Ny. Sorry, I only just got your message." Nylah's heart broke at the sound of his voice. It sounded broken, like he was unable to talk much without bursting into tears. "I should have tried to find you just in case you happened to be there but I didn't and I left you there. I'm sorry. All I ever do is let people down. Uh, anyway... I guess I'll see you at school, maybe? I don't know—"

That was it. The phone message cut off, and Nylah assumed it was because Peter only had a certain amount of time to leave a message. A part of her was disappointed that she could hear the rest of his message, but that only made her eager to see him sooner.

She turned her phone off and shoved her phone back into her jacket pocket and ran out of the shop. Instead of walking, she chose to run down the streets of New York until she made it to Queens, where she had taken her phone out to put Peter's address into her phone. She followed the map until she did reach his apartment complex, and her stomach began to twist and turn. She was not sure if she was nervous, scared or even excited, but she knew one thing for sure. She needed to see him now.

With sigh falling past her lips, she ran into the building and ran up two flights of stairs before she made it to Peter's floor. She ran down the hallway, her head turning from right to left every couple of seconds before she reached Apartment 22. She came to a sudden stop and with her heavy breathing, she balled her hands into fists and began to knock on the door.

She knocked three times before she let her hand rest at her sides, her foot tapping against the carpet of the hallway as she eagerly waited for Peter to open the door with his arms wide open. However, when the long and brown wooden door opened, she did not find Peter standing in front of her. It was the beautiful Aunt May, who looked exhausted and frustrated.

"Nylah? Honey, what are you doing here at this time of night?"

"Oh, hello, May." Nylah smiled politely as she began to pick at the side on the sides of her fingers. "Is Peter here?"

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