Chapter Thirty Eight

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Nylah was still left in shock as Peter swung them from building to building, his brown eyes locked on Steven Strange, all the while her eyes remained locked on him. It was difficult to comprehend that he was here right now because this was never a part of the plan. She held onto his shoulders tightly and told herself to concentrate on the bigger problem at hand, but it was too difficult. It would be impossible for anyone in her position to concentrate on anything aside from him; because now, the love of her young life was brought into the war. Everything she had to do from now on would be to protect Peter from any harm coming his way, only right up until the moment she kills Thanos and his army.

She held onto Peter tighter when Steven's cape forced him out of the grip of thee squid man's rock and pole collection, sending the sorcerer flying down to the road. Peter's senses kicked in and he was able to shoot his webs in time to catch him before any damage could be done; but the moment the two teenagers let out a sigh of relief, their next problem came at them head on. A light blue beam surrounded them as they held onto a streetlight with one web and holding on to Steven with the other.

Under any other normal circumstance, where Nylah had not just lost everything important to her mere hours ago, she may have not wanted to go up there. This beam, however, was her chance to catch the squid man by surprise. Her plan was brilliant, if you had asked her. If she were to get on that ship, force the squid man to guide her to where Thanos is, she would be able to catch Thanos by surprise and kill them all. She would be able to successfully avenge her brothers, Heimdall, and all of Asgard who died on that ship. She would be able to live in peace, knowing that her people and her family did not die in vain.

"Hey, Mr. Stark?" Peter, realising the loosening grip he had on Nylah, fearfully spoke to Tony through his mask. "We're being beamed up!"

Peter's eyes were stuck on her now, while her eyes were almost memorised by the beam of the ship, as though she actually wanted to be up there. He was confused, as anyone would be, because going up there willingly was a death wish. He could not do this without Mr. Stark there to approve, he did not want to embarrass himself like he had done last time he went against his orders. But no matter how much he wanted to keep himself and Nylah on Earth, the web fluid was not strong enough against the beam, and he could feel them slipping.

Nylah moved her eyes away from the ship as she felt Peter's arm tighten around her body, desperately pulling her closer before she had the chance to be sucked up. Even through his mask, the fear he felt was loud and clear. His trembling hands and the muffled curses underneath his mask was enough to let her know that the boy was scared, and he had every right to be, and she wished that she could heal his fear. She wished that he was not here in the first place – but he was, and unfortunately, she was going to have to take him with her to complete her own personal mission.

She lifted her hand up to rest on his masked cheek, her eyes staring into his soul and immediately calming him. "Hold onto me, Peter. I will keep you safe."

As if her words had hypnotised him into a trance, his body relaxed, and his arms wrapped around her waist. She held onto his shoulders as she lifted her head to watch as the ship drew closer, and she moved her hands away from his shoulders to prepare herself to get them both onto the inside of the circular ship, considering that the doors had just closed. The beam disappears in a matter of seconds, but Nylah was swift as her hands grabbed at the chunks of metal, pushing them both around until they were able to stand on the inner circle of the ship.

Her eyes were instantly set on what looked to be a door higher up on the ship, though it would be a bit of an odd climb to get to it. Her hand almost intertwined with Peter's as she guided him across the ship before it was time that they climbed, which she figured that the teenaged boy would be able to do so himself, especially with his oddly sticky fingers. Or at least, that was until she got about half-way to the door when she realised that Peter Parker was beginning to fall behind.

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