Chapter Eight

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"You okay?" Peter asked sincerely, his brown eyes staring into hers with more concern than her father had even shown her. It touched her – despite that the humans were ruining their planet, they always seemed to show so much remorse for people that they barely knew. Peter had lost so much already in his life, enough to send most people she knew off the edge. Yet here he was, a teenage boy, showing care and compassion for everyone around him. He looked after the entire city and expected no thank you's. Peter Parker is a blessing. "Nylah?"

"Yes. I apologise." Nylah quickly replied, her eyes darting down to stare at the floor awkwardly. Peter's awkward and shyness must have been rubbing off of her. "So, what's the plan?"

"Okay, well, I think Peter should fly in from over there," Ned made sure that his voice was low so that those around them could not hear clearly what he had been saying. The thumping music in the background helped, too. "Then, he'll come down and he'll say his hello's and oh my God, it's going to be so awesome!"

"I don't think I'm going to do that." Peter replied with the shake of his head, panic settling in his big brown puppy-like eyes. "Spider-Man is not a party trick, okay? Look, I'm just gonna... be myself."

Ned sighed in disappointment. "Peter, no one wants that."

"Why would hu—" Nylah cleared her throat awkwardly before she continued the sentence. "Why would no one want that, Ned? I thought society said that everyone should be themselves."

"She has a point." Peter defended himself as he folded his arms over his chest with slight frustration, though he had given in to the desperate eyes of his friend. With a sigh and a groan mixed in together, he officially gave in. "Fine. Just give me a few minutes to get changed. Keep an eye on Nylah in the meantime."

Ned nodded as he hid the excitement that was seconds from bursting out of his body. Nylah wanted to laugh though that had faded quickly when Ned was ordered to keep an eye on Nylah, who was perfectly capable of looking after herself. However, she would be lying if she had said that she did not want to be alone right now.

"I'm going to wait by the window, ya know, since Peter should be ready by any second now." Ned said with excitement lighting up in his eyes, despite that Peter had only just exited the house. Nylah nodded lazily as she leaned herself back against the couch, engulfed by the softness. "You look like you'll be fine..."

"I will." Nylah smiled lazily and nodded slightly as Ned wasted no time in rushing to the window. Nylah sighed as she brought her fingers up to her lips, feeling a weird craving to bite off her long finger nails. It was uncommon for Asgardian to do such a thing to their nails, to willingly damage their fingernails and their teeth. Nylah rarely done it herself, only in times of distress and worry.

After minutes passing and still no sign of Peter entering the home as Spider-Man, Nylah was beginning to worry. However, that worry was pushed down to the 2nd worry on her list when she had felt as though a dark figure had been watching her, without hesitation she looked in the direction in which she had felt the uncomfortable stare. Outside Liz's window in a dark trench coat, was a familiar face with blue eyes that she had missed so dearly. She felt tears well in her eyes and her heart squeezing. She forced herself to her feet and blinked twice, to double check that her mind had not been tricking her. But there he was, her big brother, Loki.

He nodded his head towards outside before he disappeared into the darkness. Confused but also ecstatic, Nylah walked herself to the front door and wasted no time in exiting the home. At the beginning of the pathway that lead up to Liz's door, Loki stood with a smirk on his lips. Nylah sucked in a deep breath as she carefully walked down the stairs. Her vision began to blur due to her tears, though in that moment, she hadn't cared. Her big brother, who she had thought was dead, was standing just a few feet in front of her. Running down the pathway with open arms, she was prepared to engulf her brother into the biggest hug she had ever given. Only to find out that when her arms wrapped around his thin and muscular body, he would disappear.

She heard the laughs and giggles of teenagers who had been standing on the lawn though she had been too confused and concerned to care. Her heart beat began to increase as she felt as though a panic attack was beginning to form. She could not have been hallucinating it, he was there. She felt him. Even if it were just for once second, she did feel his body. He was there.

"Loki!?" Nylah screamed out as her eyes desperately searched for her big brother, tears falling down her cheeks. Teenagers behind her continued to laugh and topple over with their hands on their stomachs, laughs escaping their mouths. "Loki!"

"Isn't Loki that guy who took over New York a few years ago?" One person whispered, though it was loud enough for Nylah to hear.

"Yeah, why is she calling out his name?"

"Probably a psycho."

"A hot one, though."

Nylah turned around to face the obnoxious human teenagers, anger and sadness the only emotions her eyes were full of. She did understand all of their terms, but she wasn't dumb. She knew by the tone of their voices that their words were not compliments. However, her heart had hurt too much to yell at people. She would not know how to deal with herself if she had done that. And although she did not want to leave Ned and Peter at the party, she had no choice too. She could not face them with tears running down her cheeks.

She turned on her heel and took the phone out from her pocket, clicking on the group chat that Peter and Ned had made that consisted of the two boys and Nylah.

Message from: Nylah
I am going home. Thank you for the night.

Just as she exited the group chat to call Happy and get him to pick her up at a different house in the neighbourhood to prevent suspicion, a white van had sped passed her. Nylah's eyes widened again when she watched as Peter had attached his webs to it, sliding down the road and tightly holding onto his webs.

She wasted no time in dialling Tony's number. Her mission was to keep that boy safe and that is exactly what she planned to do.

"Hello?" Tony answered as Nylah ran down the street, hoping to find Peter before something bad happens to him. "Nylah? Has something happened?"

"Peter is being dragged by a vehicle. I do not know what is happening but he does not look safe." Nylah's voice had been shaky due to her running and the crying earlier, though she hoped that Tony would ignore it. And thankfully he did.

"Can you get to him?"

"I do not think so." Nylah responded as continued to force one leg in front of the other. Asgardians were born with the ability to be three times as fast and stronger than the humans, which lead to Tony assuming that Nylah was able to run at the exact speed of a speeding vehicle. "I can try."

"I'll send help... but, Nylah?" The tone in his voice, dripping the disappointment, only made Nylah be reminded of her father. Odin was good man, though he always seemed disappointed in all of his children. Nylah's heart beat increased as she felt herself slowing down, mentally preparing herself for the comments Tony would be seconds away from throwing at her – comments that would break her little by little. "This is your mission. You were supposed to keep him safe."

Then, Nylah could no longer hear Tony's voice.

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