Chapter Ten

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Authors Note
I know it is late, but I hope you all had a great Christmas (if you celebrate it) and I wish you all a happy new year. :)

There was a long pause between the two again. Peter was not sure how to think or respond – his nerdiness wanted to fanboy about how he was in front of a literal goddess and the mighty Thor's younger sister, which now that he thought about it... he thought he was stupid for not recognising her appearance and her behaviour. He remembered seeing her on the news 8 years ago, and she looked exactly as she did right now. He remembered watching with amazement at a news program that managed to capture some of the fight; most of all, they captured a small clip of Nylah crying into her older brother's shoulder when she couldn't save someone.

Nylah was Thor's younger sister, the girl who helped the Avengers take down a villain alongside her brother. Nylah was a minor detail that no one paid much attention to, and in fact, she was mostly ignored. Peter could understand why Nylah was picked to do Tony's dirty work, considering that she was a literal goddess and no one recognised her. She was perfect for the job, despite not using any of the powers that she surely had.

On the other hand, Peter wanted to ignore his nerdiness. Nylah was supposed to be his friend, not someone who was sent to look after him when he was perfectly capable of doing so himself. Nylah was someone that his best friend even trusted, and Peter did not want his best friend to get hurt because of Nylah's actions. Nylah only became friends with them for her mission – how was Peter supposed to trust her again?

"I never meant for you to get hurt." Nylah said with a quiet and soft voice. "I had my concerns about the mission. That was one of them. I did not want you to get hurt and think that I have betrayed you, I was simply sent to ensure that you do not get yourself hurt or worse, killed. I hope you can understand, Peter."

Peter remained silent. He made himself trust Nylah ever since Ned accidentally told her his secret, and yet this whole time, she knew. He was relieved to know that Nylah was never going to tell anyone, however, the thought of the first friend that he made since becoming friends with Ned betraying him... he didn't like the feeling of his heart sinking. He liked Nylah. Her kindness and her need to stick up for her friends was something that inspired Peter, it made him somewhat look up to her. Peter knows that Ned felt the same way, too.

And Peter did not want his best friend to get hurt, either.

"I... I suppose I should get going," Nylah said with a sigh as she forced herself to get up, her exhaustion almost getting the better of her. Her legs wobbled slightly as she stood up straight, desperately trying to keep her eyes open in fear that when they close... she'll see her dead brother again. "I know that I do not deserve your forgiveness. Good night, Peter."

Nylah avoided eye contact as she spoke, a simple thing she did when she felt too disappointed in herself. Her father often scolded her on this, forcing her to look up at him whenever he was disciplining her. The only one who seemed to understand her fear for disappointment was Loki, the brother that she'd never see alive again. Thor tended to comfort Nylah when he returned home from battles once their father discusses Nylah's behaviour.

Still, Peter said nothing and Nylah knew that she really disappointed him more than anything. It physically ached her heart, the thought of her new friend refusing to talk to her, or to even forgive her. For someone who was so forgiving, it was strange to know that there are people out there who are not so forgiving.

Nylah walked away in silence, trying to keep her balance as she walked through the park's trees and bushes to get to the roads. She felt tears stinging her eyes as the cold air brushed through her long hair, sending it into a knotty mess. She bit onto her lip harshly as she shoved her hand into her wet pocket to find that her mobile device had not been in there, causing a frown to fall upon her face. Another reason for Tony Stark and even Happy to be disappointed in her.

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