Chapter Thirty Nine

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We're going to pretend that this isn't the worst chapter I have written. :) The original draft of this chapter was better but ya girl lost all of it when her laptop crashed last week! 


The plan was simple – for the boys, at least. All they had to do was wait for her signal and help blow the alien man out of the ship, while Nylah was left to be the main source of distraction for Maw. Peter believed that Nylah would be the only one capable of keeping him distracted long enough for them to get into position, despite not knowing Nylah's history with these bad guys. He had been watching her carefully as she stared down at the squid-man with a look in her eye that he could only describe as pure fury. The last thing he wanted to do was force her to face her trauma and to be forced to stand there in front of this man without fighting him, but this was the only option. Nylah knew that too.

She almost did not want to commit to the plan, if she had not liked the idea of the squid-man suffocating terribly to his death as he floated aimlessly through space. She hoped that as he floated through the emptiness of the universe, that Thanos would find him, and know who did this. That was the only reason why she had agreed to this plan, because of that – because it guaranteed his death, and there was a slight possibility that Thanos would find him. Not to mention, she would be glad to have the chance to see the fear fall upon Maw's face when he realises that his death is upon him, and he is without Thanos to save him.

Peter and Tony lowered themselves to the bottom level, the same level as Doctor Strange and Maw, very swiftly and very quietly. Nylah was left to stand at the top level, looking down at them as she waited for their signal. She hoped that her family and all that was lost of Asgard were with her in this moment, proud that she was about to find a hint at peace; a hint at what it will feel like when she finally kills Thanos. Her heart practically skipped a beat when Peter nodded his head at her, indicating that it was time. She sharply nodded back at him, swallowing all urges to kill Maw herself down into the deepest parts of her body.

Nylah wasted no time in stepping off the edge as she fell at leave three or four levels down until her feet landed flat against the ground, her body standing only a few feet away from the squid man. Doctor Strange's screams of agony die down when he locks his eyes on her, leaving Maw distracted as he turned his body around slowly. Nylah's vision was locked on Maw, and only him, and his stupid squid-like face. An amused smirk forced its way on his thin lips as Nylah held her hands at either side of her body, a light glow forming in the palms of her hands as his smirk only grew wider.

"Nylah Odinsdottir." Maw lifted his hands effortlessly as he raised chunks of metal from the floor and left them to float over his body, letting her know that this was a threat. "I have been waiting for you."

"I suppose you had not expected me so soon." Nylah swallowed hard again, trying to give the boys more time to get into position, but it was growing harder the longer she stared at the alien who did nothing as his master ended her brother's life.

"I hope you are aware that your brother died for the better of the universe," Maw lifted his head slightly as a light chuckle fell past his lips, and Nylah had no other option than to ball her hands into fists. "though since your unusually small brain cannot comprehend that, I expected you to find your way here eventually."

"Your grape-sized brain in that unusually large forehead of yours as left you fooled, Maw." The glow in the palms of her hands were growing bigger and brighter as she spoke, and her finger nails dug into her skin in attempt to control herself. "You will suffer the same fate as my brothers. Though, the difference between your death, and my brother's, is larger than your very forehead. When you are long gone, you will have no one to avenge you, as I will for my brothers."

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