Chapter Four

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Nylah, who was definitely not expecting to find out so soon, almost choked on her apple. Ned's eyes widened as he realised what he had done, as Peter punched his friend in the shoulder. Ned's hands flew to his shoulder as he groaned in pain before hitting Peter back – the two almost ending in a slap fight. Peter stopped himself, closing his eyes as he attempted to calm himself down. Nylah sat opposite to them, a shocked expression on her face. She knew he was Spider-Man, but she definitely did not expect for that to be revealed to her by him -or Ned in this case- within the first day of actually knowing them.

"Um, I meant, Peter knows Spider-Man?" Ned said though it sounded more like a question.

Nylah raised her eyebrows. "Really? Because that's not what I heard."

"What did you hear?" Peter stuttered nervously.

"I won't say it aloud." Nylah promised, her eyebrows furrowed together with concern. "It's not my place to tell."

Peter sighed in relief. "Thank you – thank you so much."

Nylah smiled at him before returning to eating her delicious apple, her heart beating incredibly fast. Although Peter seemed grateful that Nylah was not going to tell anyone, he had still had a strange look upon his face. He must have not been sure if he could trust her and who could blame him – he only just met the girl and his secrets were already getting spilled to her.

"Can I have your number?" Peter asked bluntly, before his eyes widened when he had felt the nudge of his best friend's elbow. "As friends. Just as friends."

"We're friends?" Nylah asked in excitement, causing both Ned and Peter to smile.

"Of course," Ned chuckled. "I mean, I did just tell you Peter's number one secret."

"Yeah, and I'm so mad at you for that dude." Peter whisper-yelled to his friend before turning back to Nylah, an innocent smile on his lips. Nylah laughed which quickly faded when Peter asked for her number. Her phone number – one of those weird devices that Nylah hardly knew how to work it.

"Okay, remember – it is in your front pocket. Get it out if you need to text or call Tony, Pepper, or myself. Got it?" Happy asked with a stern voice as he shoved the iPhone 7 in Nylah's school bag. Nylah nodded quickly, trying to remember everything Happy taught her about the mobile phone. "Your phone number is saved as a contact on your phone too. Just in case you forget."

Nylah nodded quickly. "Yeah, I just gotta get it out of my bag. My number is saved on there." The two best friends nodded as Peter frantically got his phone out of his tight jean pocket, just in time for Nylah to turn back around with her phone in her hand.

"Okay, my number is..." Nylah began to read out the numbers that appeared on her phone under the contact 'me'. Peter typed in every number into his own phone as well as Ned, who then grabbed Nylah's phone to write their own numbers in. She hoped that Peter wouldn't accidentally stumble across the other contacts that just happened to be on her phone.

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