Chapter Forty One

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Thor being alive gave her a greater purpose and a will to survive. The news did not take away the urge and need to have Thanos dead for everything he had caused, but she truly no longer wanted to die in the process of ensuring his death. She at least wanted to be alive to see her blond-haired brother, as she missed him more than words could ever describe. She was ready for this fight to be over and done with, because she needed him. She was scared, she was confused, and she was grieving. All these emotions were hard for her to process, and her brain was finding difficulty to comprehend why she was feeling all of these different emotions. All she needed was Thor to be by her side, comforting her, and protecting her.

Despite the intense emotions she felt, a weak smile curved into her dry and cracked lips for the first time since the attack. It was not the wide and toothy grin that Peter and Tony were used to; it was only small, almost like a shy smile a child would have when meeting new people. She left the ship with that shy smile on her lips alongside Peter, where they were met by the warm wind of the planet. Tiny particles of sand harshly hit her exposed skin with each wave of wind.

She had a smile curved onto her dry and cracked lips for the first time since the attack on her ship, all because of the news. It was not the wide smile that Peter and Tony were used to; it was only small, almost like a shy smile. She left the ship with that shy smile on her lips alongside Peter as they properly entered the warm wind of the planet, tiny particles of sand pressing against their skin at each wave of wind. The happy smile she once had on her lips vanishes when her eyes lay on the state of the planet, shocked and fearful at what had happened to this planet.

Titan was a planet that she had learned only slightly about as a child, and she was sure that in the stories that were told, that not once did they mention that the planet was a desert. Structure was destroyed and hanging by a thread, looking as if it had been abandoned for years, with no trace of life. No nature, no people. The once beautiful planet was dead, and it only made Nylah wonder who destroyed it – war, extinction, or Thanos? Or all of the above?

Peter's eyes scanned the state of the planet and his mouth was left agape. "Geez, what happened to this place?"

"Geez?" Nylah let out a confused mumble, turning her titled head in Peter's direction for an explanation of the strange word she had never heard of. Though when the boy's face flushed in embarrassment and his eyes awkwardly took interest in the ground, she figured that she was not going to receive an explanation.

"You know, I always forget that you're Asgardian..." Peter reluctantly looked up at Nylah, desperate to change the subject. "Do, uh... do most planets look like this, Ny?"

"Well, not necessarily." Nylah pushed past her confusion of another human term she could not understand, as her own eyes began to scan the state of the planet again. "Each planet is different. This planet, though... I do not remember it looking this way."

Peter gulped. "Do... Do you think... maybe...?"

Silence fell over the pair when Nylah only gave him a look of uncertainty, because truthfully, they both knew the answer, but she did not want to say the cause of destruction aloud. She watched as Peter swallowed hard again and they continued walking, her eyes proceeding to fall upon the new group of friends who walked together in front of Peter and herself. Quill, Drax and Mantis were their names, and they were a very unusual group of friends. Although despite being all different backgrounds and species, their bond seemed as close as family.

She could not help but wonder if the Gamora lady they spoke of earlier was a part of their little family too. She figured that the lady must have been, considering that they (mostly being Quill) seemed desperate to find her. Nylah could relate to them on that note; with the pain of a missing family member, wanting nothing but to find them, even in a messed up war they managed to get themselves involved in. The pain of missing someone you love was unlike any pain you could ever feel.

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