Chapter Forty Five

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It only took seconds before the aliens began to fade away the same way Nylah did five years ago. She almost felt empathetic as their heads turned to one another, a saddened look washing over their faces before disappearing into the air. Some looked to their leader, Thanos, who had sat down on a rock shamefully. He avoided their eyes and desperation for their leader, like the coward he is. If she was not more concerned about Tony and his evident decline, maybe she would have happily watched as Thanos faded away. He did not deserve a single drop of Nylah's empathy for what he did to her people.

Tony deserved her empathy, he deserved everything right now. She had no time to waste as she rushed to his aid while the pain in her leg slowly began to subside. This was only for it to come back seconds later when she fell to her knees once she had finally made it to Tony. Her heart broke and her stomach sunk as she scanned his body with her eyes, already feeling the stinging sensation as her eyes began to tear up. The skin of the right side of his body had turned dark with extreme burns, and his eyes were constantly on the search for something to focus on. His hands shook and it did not look as though he was mentally here with her, and Nylah began to fear for the worst.

However, she healed a dying Pegasus, and that could mean she could heal a dying human, right?

She placed her hands on either side of his face, and as she did so, his blank eyes caught her. His eyes focused on her face as she poured her energy into her hands the same way she had with the Pegasus, but her veins had not changed colour like they always do. Her hands were not glowing as bright as they did when she used her powers, and once she realised this, her heart began to sink further into her chest. But she refused to give up – she had to do everything she could to make him survive. Tony Stark had to live.

So, she tried again. She licked her lips and focused her mind on the energy she held within her body, pouring it all into the palm of her hands. She focused on his injuries, she could feel them, but again, she felt nothing. Her veins did not change colour. His wounds did not begin to trail up her arms through her veins. Her hands barely glowed. Tony was deteriorating, and there was nothing she could do about it. She used too much energy healing the Pegasus and killing that alien, her body was exhausted. It was not going to let her heal him, and Nylah was not prepared to be the reason why Tony Stark failed to survive the infinity stones.

Her lips trembled as she began to close her eyes again, refusing to give up. But for Tony Stark, he knew he was not going to make it out of this alive. This was a part of the plan – it always was. In some of his last moments alive on this planet, he knew what he had to do. He spent too much time disappointing the girl in front of him, and he could not stand to watch her fall apart in front of him because of himself, again. He saw the way she could barely function after losing Loki, and he could not let her be like that again. He weakly lifted his hand and pressed it against her forearm, causing for Nylah to snap her eyes open in hope that she would find him completely healed. But he was not.

"Stop..." He managed let out in a quiet gasp, as Nylah's hands slowly left his face. "You... haven't... failed..."

Nylah watched hopelessly, her lips trembling and tears falling from her eyes, as Peter sunk to his knees beside her. His hands held Tony's shoulders as he sobbed, trying to tell the older man that they had won. She rose to her feet and turned her back to Tony, because she could watch another person die in front of her. She silently walked away until she felt a pair of hands grab her upper arm, forcing her to stop in her tracks as she looked up at her empathetic brother. He shared the same sadness she had; Tony was just another person to add on their list of people they had lost.

Thor gently pushed his sister into an embrace, wrapping an arm around her body while the other gently stroked her hair. Her face was pressed against his chest, silently crying as she shielded her face from everyone around them. Thor did all he could to comfort his sister, but when his eyes caught the spider-boy who had captured his sister's heart standing alone, he realised there was only one person who could comfort her. Nylah and Peter shared a bond with Tony that Thor did not quite have, nor did he understand it. The two teenagers were the only people that comfort each other.

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