Chapter Nine

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"Tony?" Nylah said into the mobile device, though she received no answer. A low and long beeping sound rang in her ears and she felt her heart sinking. She hated herself for disappointing Tony and she hated herself even more for failing her mission barely two weeks in. 'Your brothers can do better than that, you know that, Nylah.' She heard her father's voice in her head, repeating those words in her head over and over again. It was not unusual for her father to compare his only daughter to his older sons; especially Thor. Everyone was always compared to the great Thor. As much as she loved her father and her brothers, constantly being compared and told that she was not good enough was not the best environment to grow up in. Now, if she so much as got a bad grade on her work in Midgard school, she'd apologise profusely to her teachers.

Nylah shook the negatives thoughts from her head as well as her father's voice, shoving her mobile device into the pocket of her loose flannel shirt (though the phone definitely had a risk of falling out). Her determination to prove that she was just as good as her brothers to her father, who could not have possibly been watching, she picked up her pace. The heeled boots that she had been wearing made her feet ache and she tried her best to ignore the pain, focusing her attention on ensuring Peter's safety before Tony managed to save the day.

She followed the dark and fresh marks on the road the indicated someone had been driving their vehicle dangerously, which ultimately, Nylah was able to see the back of the van that Peter was once attached too. She picked up her pace (if that was even possible at this point) when she found that her friend was no longer attached to the van and she began to assume that he was in the van. However, she soon found that her assumption was incredibly wrong when she saw a familiar figure in a red and blue suit.

Nylah could not help but sigh in relief, though she continued to run whilst Peter jumped and ran on top of house's roof tops. Knowing that she had to keep Peter safe rather than let him continue to fight crime, she began to wave her arms around like crazy to get his attention. With that failing, Nylah decided that it would be best to begin to tell at him to get his attention.

"Pe- Spider-Man!" Nylah yelled as loud as she could whilst running, ignoring the suspicion that Peter would gain as soon as he sees Nylah running practically side-by-side with a speeding vehicle. Peter looked back for a millisecond before he ran faster; attempting to get in front of the van. Nylah sighed and decided that she'd try to run faster too, though the feet that once only ached, were beginning to suffer with severe pain which was preventing her from running any faster than she already was. Her eyes widened when she a green-eyed glowing figure a few metres behind Peter, and that figure only began to grow closer and closer. "Get off that roof!"

Without warning, Peter jumped off the roof top of one home and Nylah forced herself to run faster – she needed to get him to the ground before the terrifying figure behind him had the chance to take him. It was as if everything had gone in slow motion; Peter's body slowly came towards her as she ran beside to the van, and the figure with metal wings behind her friend was closer than Nylah had thought.

"Grab my hand!" Nylah yelled as Peter looked down at her, though he did not have much time to reach out his hand. Nylah had no idea if she was going to be stronger than the winged man behind Peter and she was sure that Peter was going to get injured from the impact of falling so high – but that was under control. Nylah had the ability to heal a few cuts and bruises. Just not on herself...

Just the metal-winged person behind Peter grabbed hold of his feet roughly, Nylah jumped as high as she could and grabbed hold of Peter's wrists, in which, Peter grabbed hold of Nylah's. Without her two feet on the ground to help her bring Peter back, Nylah was useless against the metal-winged man. Peter instinctively grabbed hold of Nylah's other wrist and held onto her tightly, despite feeling uncomfortable from the blood rushing to his head. Nylah felt her heart beat increasing rapidly with the increased distance a part from the ground and the two teenagers – within seconds, they were not able to see people walking along the distance and the street lights were beginning to become a blur.

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