Chapter Two

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Nylah's eyes were filled with amazement as she stared out of the window of the car. To the normal human eye, maybe there was nothing special about Queens. But to the eyes of an Asgardian princess, this was truly a lifetime experience. Their structure and way of life was something she was not used to, though she was excited to learn the way Midgardians lived. There was little to no greenery in this city, nor was there much gold, which she had found odd. Nylah was used to the vibrant colours of nature, the shiny golden objects and buildings everywhere, and stunning views. Queens was nothing like Asgard; but it was something she could get used to.

High school, however, was the one that made her stomach turn. Nylah stared blankly at the entrance of Midtown High School as the drive slowly came to a stop beside the curb, signalling for the young woman to exit the vehicle. Being a princess, she was what Midgardians would call 'homeschooled' for her entire life. She rarely communicated with people her own age, let alone be thrown into a location where there were more people her own age than those who were older than her. (Well, realistically, she was older than everyone in this school, but that was beside the point). She was quick to remind herself that she was not here to make friends or communicate with anyone beside Peter Parker. She was only here to ensure that the boy did not get himself harmed. Pretty easy, right?

"Uh, miss – I um, mean princess," The driver of the vehicle stumbled over his words, though Nylah only chuckled lightly in response. "You've gotta get out of the car. Please."

"Right, my apologies." Nylah blushed in embarrassment as she exited the car, gently placing her backpack straps onto her shoulders. She gently shut the car door before she faced the tall gates that Midtown High students walked through, ear phones stuck in their ears, laughing along with their friends.

Nylah was not used to people finding no interest in her, and she found it strange that students kept their eyes glued to their phones as she walked through the gates and further into the school. Whenever she left the palace in Asgard she would receive nothing but googly eyes and praises as she strolled through the village. Perhaps no one found interest in her because they had not known who she was, compared to being on Asgard, where everyone knew her as their princess. She liked that no one knew her here. It meant that she did not have to worry so much about how people viewed her, or what she looked like in the public.

Her nerves were put to ease as she entered a building when her body was met with warm air and the smell of coffee. She blended in with the rest of the crowd of teenagers as they rushed to their lockers to meet their friends and rushed off to their classes early. Speaking of which, Happy had told her that she needed to find an office to receive her 'timetable' where her classes would be listed on a piece of paper. It was not smart on Happy's part to not give her any sort of instruction as to where this office may be, as Nylah was now left wandering the school halls looking absolutely hopeless.

That, at least, was until her bright eyes stumbled across a pair of brown ones. His curly brown hair stuck to his forehead slightly and he had one earbud in his ear quietly playing music as his friend spoke to him. The boy looked familiar, and it was only until he forced a smile that she recognised who he was. Peter Parker – the boy she was supposed to be friends with. His eyes were locked on her own as she walked closer to him, and she was unsure if she was supposed to look away or not. Although when she attempted to stare ahead of her; she found that she could not tear her eyes off the boy.

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