Chapter Thirty Two

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Nylah hadn't talked to her blonde-haired brother for a few days, and nor as she talked to her darker-haired brother. Thor was still stuck with the other fighters; and as for Loki, well, it was clear that he was loving his life on this planet. He lived in wealth, with unlimited resources, and there was no way that he was going to even put that at risk. He was just being selfish, which was nothing new, but it hurt her, nonetheless. All the young Asgardian wanted was to be reunited with Thor, and to live with both of her brothers in peace – one they defeat Hela.

They were all she had left, and she wasn't ready to let that go just yet.

Nylah was left home by herself this afternoon, which was no surprise. Loki needed to maintain his appearances on Sakaar in order to keep his new life; and to do that, he had to who knows what for the Grandmaster. He often disappeared many hours out of the day to complete tasks or to attend parties for the Grandmaster, and Nylah had enough of waiting around all day for him to come home. Besides, when he did come home, she would only give him the silent treatment – so she was alone, every single day.

Today she decided to end that same old routine and try something new. She ventured out to the city, away from the apartment and into the craziness of the festival. Although, now that she was in the middle of the said festival with green powder all over her dress, a part of her wished she had just stayed in that damn apartment. The festival was all about the Hulk; everyone was dressed in the colour green and some had even carried masks that resembled his face, while others carried around bombs filled with green powder.

It was a real pity that this dress was ruined. Perhaps the green powder would come off when it is washed, but she was sure that the powder was going to stain the skirt of her dress. The fabric was different than the others, which is why she had the initial thought that the strange powder would stain the dress; but then, she had remembered that her brother had a unique taste in clothing for his sister. The skirt was detachable; but before she could tear the skirt of the dress off, she needed to find somewhere away from the crowd to awkwardly take it off.

Her eyes searched for a free corner away from everybody; or even a walkway that would lead her to an area away from the crowd. She pushed her way through the crowd as politely as she could, until her eyes found an alleyway with no one in it. She knew alleyways were never the safest place to take refuge in; she had learned that from Midgardian movies, even on their news programs that shared terrible stories relating to alleyway murders. But whether she was fond of the idea or not, she needed space without sweaty bodies pushing her in all sorts of directions.

Although as soon as she entered the alleyway, she found herself stopping in her tracks suddenly. Her eyes found a tall and muscular man, which was undoubtably her brother by the way he wore a strange light green towel over his head, standing almost directly in front of her. Beside him was a much smaller man, and Nylah recognised him easily. Bruce Banner. He was dressed in a fashion that Nylah didn't associate him with, as his clothing style reminded her of Tony Stark rather than Bruce Banner.

"Thor?" A wide smile curved onto Nylah's lips as her eyes flickered between Thor and Bruce. "Bruce?"

"Sister!" Thor exclaimed happily as his strong arms quickly engulfed his sister into a hug, almost squeezing her to death. "Just in time! We're getting out of here!"

"That's great!" Nylah clasped her hands together when she pulled apart from Thor, her eyes still flickering between her brother and Banner. "We should go get Loki. We cannot leave without him, of course!"

"Well..." Thor sheepishly rose his hand to scratch the back of his neck. "We don't have a ship."

Nylah furrowed her eyebrows as, for only a minute, she found herself lost in thought. "Loki has a strange bond with the Grandmaster. I'm sure he'll be able to get us a ship."

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