Chapter Six

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" did WHAT?"

"It was an accident!" Nylah squealed into the device as she jumped slightly at Tony's tone. "I am still getting used to this whole hu—"

"H-Hey, um, you sounded like you were kind of freaked out and I thought I should you know, check on you. Just to make sure you're okay, obviously." Peter's stuttering self surprised Nylah, though this time, she saved herself from squealing. She had been slightly concerned if Peter had heard the conversation she was having or not. She hoped he hadn't. She didn't want to lie more than she needed too.

"I am okay, thank you." Nylah nodded as Tony snorted over the phone.

"Tell him you have to go. Pretend you're talking to your dad." Tony whispered over the device, ignoring the fact that there was no way that Peter could hear his familiar voice. Nylah nodded, ignoring the fact that Tony could not see her. But hey, in her defence – she had no idea what the strange human technology was capable of doing.

"I apologise deeply, Peter, but I must go. My – father, yes, he believes it is time to go home." Nylah had no swapped positions with Peter – she was the stuttering mess and he wasn't.

"I thought your parents were—"

"Please, thank May for the dinner for me." Nylah politely cut him off as she walked past him. "Oh! And thank you, for your hospitality."

"Oh, it's all good." Peter stuttered, his eyes burning into her with confusion. Nylah gulped as she turned on her heels, walking out of his bedroom and into the main room of the apartment.

"Thank you for your hospitality, May. I must get going," Nylah smiled politely at the confused but impressed older woman. May nodded before her eyes met with Peter's, her eyes widening – though Nylah wasn't entirely sure why. However, she thought it was best to leave as fast as she could rather than lingering. "I will see you at school, Peter."

"Y-yeah." He stuttered with the nod of his head. Nylah bit her lip gently as she turned the door knob of their door and pulled it open.


Of course, it was only a matter of time before she arrived back at Stark Tower. She was currently sitting in an office, face-to-face with none other than Tony Stark – or Metal Man, as her brother called him. A grumpy look was upon his face, his brown eyes burning with frustration. Nylah shifted in her seat in discomfort due to his stare, clearing her throat awkwardly as she pretended to take interest in the city lights. Well, actually, now that she was looking at them—

"So," Tony finally spoke after several minutes of complete and utter silence. "You need lessons on how to be A NORMAL TEENAGER."

Nylah jumped at the sudden raise of his voice. "Lessons?" Was all that managed to escape her mouth.

"Yes." Tony sighed, resting his elbows on the table. "You can't be going around and talking to Peter and everyone like... well, an Asgardian."

"I got told I sound British," Nylah spoke up, fiddling with the tips of her finger nails. "Don't I just sound like a normal British teenager?"

"No," Tony sighed again. She wondered if he was sad but she didn't question it. She didn't question many things. "You're too... polite – but that's beside the point. You have to learn how to control yourself with Earth phrases and preferably not try to heal people all of the time."

"That is the only thing that I am good at." Nylah frowned. "But... I suppose I will learn how to be a proper Midgardian. For you and Peter."

"Good," Tony breathed out as he leaned his back against his desk chair. "Your first lesson will be tomorrow after school – Pepper will teach you. But until then, try to be normal."

"Of course, Tony."

T H E  N E X T  D A Y

Nylah hadn't slept at all last night. She tried to get some sleep, but she found herself struggling to keep her eyes closed. Every time she closed them in attempt to fall asleep, she'd receive practically random flashes of Loki's death. When Loki died saving Thor, Nylah was there. However, she had been fighting an enemy when Loki was stabbed. When she arrived at the scene of Thor holding Loki in his arms, she knew she was too late. It was too late to save her brother. And everyday for months, that haunted her. She could have saved her brother. But she didn't.

It scared her that the flashbacks were coming back. She hadn't gotten them in at least a month. She couldn't complete her mission if these flashbacks were going to continue. She could barely cope last time she had them.

A few knocks on the door tore her away from her thoughts, and with a turn of the door knob, her bedroom door was open. There stood Pepper in the door way, a small smile on her lips that quickly faded when she realised the dark circles and drooping eyelids on Nylah.

"Sweetie, did you get any sleep last night?" Pepper asked, a look of concern washing over her face as she walked towards Nylah. "It's nice to see you again, by the way."

"It's nice to see you too." Nylah smiled as she stood up, having every intention to ignore the question. She grabbed her backpack and threw the straps on her shoulders, over her white sweater. "Is it time for school now?"

Pepper nodded. "Are you sure that you're going to be okay? You can stay home and we can start those ridiculous lessons Tony is making me teach you – if you want."

"I'll be fine." Nylah nodded quickly as she turned on her heel and rushed out of her bedroom.

3 0   M I N U T E S  L A T E R

Nylah exited the fancy vehicle with a tight grip on her backpack. She walked into the school with an urge to collapse and sleep, but, she was barely okay with blinking. She continuously widened her eyes in hopes that it would suddenly make her feel awake, though it didn't work as much as she hoped it would.

She soon entered her first class for the day – Earth and Environmental Science. Peter and Ned were unfortunately not in her class that morning, though they had English after their break. She only wished that she could at least take a nap in her class – without feeling afraid to close her eyes. However, that impossible for the moment. Perhaps later.

Thankfully, the class soon ended and Nylah was literally ready to go to bed. She sighed to herself as she gathered her books into a pile and exited the classroom, walking down what felt like millions of hallways before she finally reached her locker. She unlocked it (with the help of the code neatly written on a piece of paper) and placed her books into it, following by grabbing her book for English. Once she had placed the book in her bag and locked her locker, she was faced with two familiar faces.

"Ny!" Nylah felt her heart shatter when she heard the nickname – a nickname that Loki would often give her. Odin did not like the nickname, but then again, he didn't like anything that Loki ever did. "Nylah?"

Nylah inhaled a deep breath before she turned to the two excited boys, forcing a smile on her lips. 'Try to be normal'. "What's up?" Deep down, Nylah was quite proud of herself. A tutorial on YouTube helped her out with that one.

"...are you okay?" Ned asked as his head tilted to the side. "You're usually so like... English."

"Sorry?" The apology sounded more like a question than it did an apology. Peter chuckled from beside Ned.

"Forgiven." Ned's lips formed into an excited smile. Nylah could sense the excitement that had been ready to burst out from his body. "Guess what!"

Nylah's eyes widened. "...what?"

"Liz Allen – Peter's crush—"

"Ned!" Peter scolded.

"Yeah well she invited Peter to her party." Nylah let out a small chuckle at Ned's excitement, though that was only doomed to quickly fade away. "... and also Spider-Man. He is also invited."

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