Chapter Twenty Two

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Nylah walked into the school gymnasium beside Liz, who has her hand securely wrapped around one of Nylah's fingers as she dragged her to the dance floor. The loud music on top of the loud voices could have been enough to distract a teenager and to encourage her to dance; but it did not. Not for Nylah. Her ears drowned out the voices and the unusual music because she only had one thing on her mind – and that was Peter Parker.

Was he okay? Was he safe? Was something bad going to happen?

"C'mon, Nylah!" Liz smiled widely as she turned around and grabbed onto Nylah's other hand, encouraging her to dance. "Don't look so worried – this is homecoming, let's dance!"

Nylah could only give her an awkward smile in response, but the concerning look she had on her face earlier returned straight away. Her eyes glanced at the glass doors but she could not see Peter through them and that worried her. She could not guarantee that he was safe or if he was comfortable, and she found herself being more than prepared to run out to him at any given moment.

But then, she didn't have to. As Liz moved Nylah's arms up and down, Nylah had turned her head to the door once more. There, she found the handsome Peter Parker making his way through the crowd with an almost blunt expression... but his eyes never left hers. Despite his blunt look, her body immediately relaxed at simply seeing him safe, but then she looked closer into those big brown eyes that he owned. That was when she realised that he had not been staring at her bluntly, but he had been masking what he really felt in that moment. Fear.

Liz had disappeared into the crowd to give them a second, and it seemed that a second was all they needed according to Peter. Nylah stared directly in his eyes as if it would tell her what the problem is, but unfortunately, she was yet to know what was wrong with him. Instead, his eyes stared down at the floor as his hands gently took hold of hers; his thumb gently grazing the top of her hand. It took him a second to regain himself before he looked back into his eyes with the same frightened look.

"I gotta go." The three words, three simply words that made her heart sink into her stomach. She knew that Peter would not ditch her for no reason; she knew that something serious must be going on, and just in case, she pushed all her powers into her hands in attempt to heal him... just in case. However, it seemed that he did not need healing. "I'm sorry... I'll... I'll make it up you."

Without a second more to waste, his hands left hers and the warmth was replaced with a chill. Nylah twisted in her spot on the dance floor as she watched Peter fade into the darkness as he exited the gym. She came to homecoming for him – and he had left her all alone in the middle of a crowd of strangers. Any person would be mad at their date for ditching them without an explanation – but Nylah? It seemed as though the girl never found herself boiling with anger.

She knew that there must have been something wrong if Peter left her on her last night on Midgard. He wanted to spend the night with her; he would not leave for nothing. Judging by the way his mood had drastically changed when they had met with Liz's dad, she assumed that the man had something to do with Peter leaving.

"Nylah?" Liz; the kindest and most popular girl in school, spoke with her usual gentle voice. If her dad was the bad guy in this story, everything in her body told her that Liz could not be trusted. However, she had a feeling that Liz was not like her father. "Are you okay?"

"I am fine." Nylah nodded her head at the girl before her eyes begun to search the crowd for Ned; perhaps he would know where Peter was going. He told Ned everything. "I need to find Ned."

When she had first walked in, she could have sworn that she had seen Ned over by the table with a large glass bowl of a liquid Nylah was unsure of. However, when she had gently pushed herself through the crowd and found herself standing at the table, Ned was nowhere to be seen.

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