Chapter Twenty-Six

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You don't have to read this but I just wanted to make sure that everyone is safe during this pandemic. I hope you are all safe and healthy, and if not, I hope you have a speedy recovery. Please stay safe, self-isolate, and wash your hands thoroughly! I know this can be a tough time for those who are struggling with mental health, and I hope you all know that if you need someone to talk too, I am here and do not hesitate to send me a message. I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Anyway, on with the new chapter - the one you all have seemed to be waiting for. Nylah/Loki/Thor sibling reunion!


Her plump lips immediately curved into a smile at the sight of her brother; although he looked rather messy with his tangled hair and the splashes of blood that scattered over his arms and armour, she was just glad to finally be reunited with Thor. It had been months since she last saw him, and she could hardly remember the last time she had been held in his arms. So, without wasting another second, she picked up her golden dress ever so slightly and ran into the arms of her brother.

A deep chuckle burst from Thor as he wrapped his arms around his youngest sibling. Thor lifted his sister up from the ground as he held onto her tighter, whilst Nylah had instinctively wrapped her legs around his torso – she never wanted to part from this hug. He was the only brother that she had left, and she was the only sibling he had left, so their hugs after being apart for so long were always amazing. Thor gave the best hugs, always.

Nylah jumped down when she could feel Thor's arms loosening around her body and she looked up at her freakishly tall brother with a large smile forming across her lips again. She had spent so much time around Peter and his friends that she had forgotten how small most humans are... being around them, she almost felt as though she was at a normal height. But now that she's back with Thor, she feels tiny once again.

Again, she hadn't minded it so much. She was finally home.

"I missed you, Thor." Nylah stated simply, her eyes as bright as they had ever been.

A proud smile formed on Thor's lips as his hand held the back of her head before he planted a firm kiss to her forehead. "And I missed you, sister."

The smile on his lips and the happiness in his eyes instantly vanished when the siblings turned around to face the unusual bald man. Thor's stern look had told Nylah everything she needed to know; something strange was going on. Well, something strange had to be going on... Heimdall was nowhere to be seen for the moment, and the bald man... he was not something Nylah recognised, and on top of that, he was covered head to toe in slimy, green dragon blood.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to drop in and scare away my company, and drench my workplace in brains." Nylah tilted her head slightly in confusion as the bald man approached Thor with such confidence. Not many Asgardians had the courage to speak to a prince in such a way.

Thor remained effortlessly intimidating as he stood tall; practically towering over the bald man. "Who are you?"

Nylah took a step forward – she too, wanted answers. "Where is Heimdall?"

The bald man rolled his eyes before he crossed his arms over his chest, he was not impressed. "Don't you remember? I'm Skurge. We fought together on Venaheim."

"But that does not answer my question, bald man." Nylah's voice slowly became softer, only now realising that she could have offended the bald man. Perhaps he did not like being called bald man... but she had already forgotten his name the second after he had said it. "Where is Heimdall?"

"That traitor? Nobody knows." Skurge replied with the shrug of his shoulders as Nylah's concern for Heimdall only grew. "He's a fugitive of the throne."

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