Chapter Sixteen

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The nightmare. It had been the worst she had ever had since her mother and brother had passed away. Loki's eyes were on hers the moment a dark elf impaled his body, and she watched him fall to the floor. She ran and she ran, but she didn't seem to be getting close to him. It almost felt like she wasn't moving at all. She could hear his screams of her name; she could feel his pain by watching his eyes; he was begging for help. He was dying but Nylah couldn't reach him, no matter how hard she tried. She could clearly see his eyes slowly closing when his heart began to give up on him, and she only cried harder. She watched as Thor took his brother into his arms and finally, she was moving!

She ran until she fell on her knees beside her brothers, her hands collapsing around Loki's wound as her tears fell against his clothes. His blood stained her hands but she did not care; she only wanted to save her brother. She needed him.

His cold hand grabbed hold of her wrist tightly, snapping her out of the trance she was in whilst she was desperately trying to heal her brother. His dull eyes were staring at her, his pale skin slowly falling apart to reveal his bones. She had the urge to scream and cry, but nothing came out.

"This is your fault, sister." He muttered. "I'm dead... mother is dead... all because of you."

"No... I can save you..." Nylah sobbed as she tried to writhe her wrist out of Loki's grip. "Let me save you."

"You're too late, Nylah." Loki lightly shook his head, his grip on her wrist only getting tighter. "You're always too late."

"Please, Loki..." She begged, ignoring his decaying skin.

"Look at Thor... look at his tears..." Nylah obeyed his commands, her eyes hesitantly moving to her blond brother. His hand was wrapped around Loki's whilst the other was holding his head up as he tried his best to hold in the tears that would uncontrollably run down his cheeks and into his beard. "Know that you have caused the pain he feels. It is all your fault, sister."

Nylah's lips trembled as she leaned her head on the car window with Pepper beside her, hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. She could sense that Pepper wanted to comfort her, the poor Midgardian must have been confused how Nylah left the tower with a smile only to come back with a frown. Nylah wanted to talk about her nightmares, she really did – and especially to someone like Miss Potts. Pepper had always been so understanding and caring towards Nylah from the very day that they met. However, Nylah couldn't bring herself to do so. There was no use in throwing her problems onto someone as busy as Pepper, she must have been under enough stress already. She did not need to worry about Nylah.

As for Peter... she loved him, she truly did. He was her friend and he was only trying to help her, but in the moment, Nylah couldn't handle anyone touching her. Besides, she couldn't tell Peter or Ned about her problems. She didn't want them to think that she was an awful person too because she knew that the two of them looked up to her in some strange way, possibly just because she was related to Thor. Nonetheless, she did not want them to look at her differently. If they knew that it was her fault as to why her mother and Loki died, perhaps she would lose them.

And she couldn't lose anymore people in her life. She couldn't bare it.

So, as she was getting out of the car with her bags, she told herself that when she would return to school, she would act as if nothing ever happened.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Pepper asked Nylah once more as she pressed a button on the elevator. The button lit up from a white colour to red; and it left Nylah fascinated... she was just too mentally exhausted to get excited about it. "They're cool... buttons... aren't they?"

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