Chapter Five

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"Hi, Nylah." Peter greeted nervously as May watched with an amused yet excited smile. Peter had never had a girl over before and the only girl he would be able to talk too without stuttering every second word was May. So, in conclusion, May was pretty excited that her nephew had the courage to invite a girl over. As long as no funny business happened, anyway.

"Are you staying for dinner, honey?" May asked curiously, though Nylah was given no time to answer. A certain nervous teenage boy had blurted out words before Nylah had the chance to open her mouth.

"May, don't pressure her..."

"I'm not pressuring her."

"You are."

"I'm not."

"I'll stay for dinner." Nylah interrupted their mini argument. She wasn't sure if this was stepping over the line for Peter, as again, she had only met him today but she didn't want to come off as rude to decline the offer for dinner. "Only if it is okay with both of you. I would not want to intrude."

"You won't be intruding, isn't that right, Peter?" May asked with a wide smile on her face, causing Peter to roll his eyes playfully at his aunt. May returned back to the kitchen a few seconds later, leaving the three teenagers standing in the living room awkwardly.

"Let's go in Peter's room," Ned spoke up. "That way, Peter can tell you how he became—"

"Ned!" Both Peter and Nylah scolded in unison. Ned's eyes had lightened up when they had said his name, though Nylah and Peter hadn't noticed. Peter and Nylah locked eyes, just for a split second, only before Peter's cheeks flushed from embarrassment, Nylah assumed. She swallowed hard, beginning to feel nervous. She wasn't sure how she was going to react when Peter tells her the story – the story that Tony seemed to fail to mention. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to react. She hoped it wasn't something she'd accidentally laugh at, she hated being rude.

"My bedroom's this way, Nylah." Peter stuttered as his held out his arm in the direction of his bedroom. The door was only a metre or two away from them, giving no time for Nylah to think. She simply smiled and walked towards his door, with Ned in front of her. Ned quickly turned the door knob, pushing open Peter's bedroom door before he walked in. Nylah and Peter followed Ned's actions, entering the bedroom that was filled with science-pun posters and clutter on his shelves, bedside tables and desk.

The bedroom was small and seemed even smaller with the clutter and furniture, though Nylah didn't mind. She felt that it was unusual for humans to have such small rooms bedrooms, though when she thought about it, they were meant for sleeping in. Her bedroom back home was a place to hide when being a royal was too much.

"Oh – um, sorry." Peter's stuttered, gulping slightly when he had to pass Nylah in the small bedroom. Nylah was used to people invading her person space, her older brother would do it all the time – unintentionally, of course, but a lot of Asgardians were like that.

Nylah smiled politely and took a step back for Peter to be able to pass through. "There is no need for an apology."

Peter and Ned shared confused glances before Peter's lips curved into an awkward smile as sat himself down on his desk chair. "You can sit down – uh, um... on the bed, I guess. Or on the floor. I mean, you could stand, I just—"

"Peter doesn't really talk to pretty girls." Ned blurted out as a light blush appeared on Nylah's cheeks. Not to seem vain, but Nylah had been complimented many times in her lifetime by attractive boys her age, though she never thought that boys of a younger age would cause for her to blush. She was thankful that her cheeks weren't as visibly red as Peter's was – except, he was embarrassed at his friend with no filter rather than Nylah being referred to as a pretty girl.

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