Chapter Twenty-Four

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Nylah's eyes snapped over before she had the chance to even try to stay wherever she was with Loki – but she could not complain when her eyes were met with Peter hovering above her. She was left in a confused state with Loki's words, but the moment Peter had seen her blue eyes staring up at him – he sighed in relief. He gently picked her up and brought her onto his lap, where he would proceed to hug the girl so tight that she was sure she had no air left in her lungs. She would be lying if she said it did not hurt her, but she brought her weak arms up to hug him back just as tight.

He slowly pulled away from her and allowed her head to rest against his forearm, and now, Nylah was able to get a good look of him. Blood was dripping down his nose and he looked just as bad as she did regarding injuries – and there was no way that she was going to let him stay that way. She swallowed hard before she reached her hand up to rest it against Peter's cheek and she closed her eyes; pushing all of her power to her hand and healed the cuts and the bruises that decorated his skin within an instant.

"Nylah..." Peter mumbled and she opened her eyes in response to his voice. She had already healed him, but she left her hand there as she stared into his brown eyes. Peter's hand was resting around her wrist as he stared at her with pure love, and for a second, she could feel their heads moving toward each other.

But, that was until she found the Vulture sitting on a sign as he prepared himself to fly. It did not matter how much she did not want to ruin the moment because she knew that she needed to.

"Peter, quick!" Nylah squeaked as she pointed at the Vulture taking off into the night sky. She had not realised how croaky her voice had been or the pain that was in her throat in that moment; all she cared about was Peter stopping Vulture.

Peter, on the other hand, cared for Nylah's health and stopping Vulture. He had found her buried beneath stone and she was unconscious – was it really safe to leave her in a state like this without any help?

"Will you be okay?" He asked with concern; though, looking back on it, he knew it was a stupid question to ask. Of course, the blonde would tell him that she would be fine. He may have not known her for long, but he knew the kind of person she was. Selfless. She did not like the idea of people worrying about her.

"I'll be fine..." She cleared her throat as she sat up without even wincing slightly in pain, her blue eyes staring into his soul within an instant. "and I'll be following you."

Peter's lips curved into a smile at her strength; she never ceased to amaze him. She was everything he ever wanted to be, and he admired her dearly. He admired her for her strength, on the inside and the out. He had read about the Odinsons and Odinsdottir online and perhaps the sources were not exactly the most trustworthy of them all, he grew to understand her and her actions. She is strong. She is pure. She is loyal. She is beautiful.

He was not sure why he had felt to warm and giddy inside when they had been almost crushed by concrete and stone literally minutes earlier; but he did. She made him feel that way, and this was the moment in which he wanted to make a promise. Once he defeated Vulture, he would... well, actually, that was going to be something he would keep a secret until this is all over.

Nylah watched as Peter swung away on his webs, chasing the Vulture into the starry night sky. The breath that she had been holding in, finally fell past her lips as she squinted her eyes shut. She felt sharp pain in every section of her body, and she was almost proud of herself for pretending that she was not in pain in front of the teenage boy. If she had decided to stay on Midgard, she would have a successful career in acting.

However, she could not let herself become weak and allow for Peter to be alone in this fight. Although she struggled, she made it to her feet and began to stumble to the area in which Flash's car was... well, where it was left. She did not let herself rest for one second once she was on her feet, and even when she found Flash's car in the state it was left in, she found another way to find Peter. Of course, Vulture had decided to park his car across the road from the warehouse – it was stupid of him, but she was lucky that he did.

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