Chapter Nineteen

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Nylah was never one to rebel against a parent. She was never considered as rebel at all on Asgard; she was graceful and beautiful, a teenage girl who always followed what her parents had asked her to do. Always followed the rules. However, tonight, that was a different story. She might not have exactly known each and every rule that Tony and Happy had explained before she came to Earth, but she figured that staying out late without notifying anyone was something she was not supposed to do.

She kept her head low as she walked into the Stark Tower as Stark employees frantically worked around her; shouting words that weren't audible, and filling out paperwork she couldn't see. She forced her little legs faster while keeping her head down low, avoiding all eye contact with any of Tony's workers.

Her fingertips gently pressed against the elevator button until the doors finally opened; and she stepped in and pressed the top button before someone could come running into the elevator with her. A sigh of relief fell past her lips as she leaned her back against the wall, her body relaxing at the sound of the elevator music, which was comforting to her ears. However, that comfort unfortunately vanished as soon as the elevator doors opened to Tony's apartment; revealing a very angry Tony Stark, a relieved Pepper Potts, and a frustrated Happy Hogan.

"We need to talk." Tony said with a gruff voice. Nylah only gulped in response as she stepped out of the elevator with her head low, making sure that she had sent Pepper and Happy an apologetic look. Happy hadn't returned any look at all but Pepper simply flashed a sympathetic smile at her, and that's when Nylah knew that she was in big trouble.

She followed Tony down the hallway before he entered her room before holding the door open for Nylah. She walked in and slowly made way to the end of her bed, where she sat down with her hands in her lap. Her eyes flickered up to find Tony, watching him as he shut the door quietly behind him before he faced her with his arms crossed over his chest. As soon as his eyes were on her, her gaze had fallen to the floor.

Again, let's make it clear; Nylah was never one to get in trouble. She always followed the rules, she always remained polite and kind, always had her manners and that was how she was brought up. Somehow, Peter Parker managed to make himself a place deep in her heart to the point where she would be willing to break rules for him.

"I am deeply and truly sorry that I caused for you all to be concerned for my wellbeing, Tony." Nylah breathed out fast, her heart almost beating through her chest. She had felt so guilty. "It is not like me to be like this – breaking rules, rebelling against the adults. I truly am sorry and if I am sorry for failing my mission for the second time. I know I should have kept Peter safe and I know I failed, but I did try—oh, no I am sorry – no, I failed to keep Peter safe. That is my fault and there are no excuses."

While Nylah was rambling, Tony had walked across her room and grabbed her desk chair. He watched her curiously as she babbled on, whilst he had dragged the chair until it was in front of her. He proceeded to sit on the chair backwards and rested his arms against the back of the desk chair, his brown eyes burning into hers.

"Look, kid, I know you Asgardians – it's Asgard, right? Yes, of course it is – And I know you. Bonding with people is like a... a different experience or something to you compared to us." Nylah was surprised at Tony's kindness, considering that she was expecting for him to explode. However, she had a feeling that his words were only going to get harsher. "Breaking a bond like the one you have with Peter, that's like heart-break. I mean, it's heart-break for anyone, really. Anyway, I know you've really hit it off with Peter, or at least, that's what Miss Potts has told me..."

Nylah could not help but cut him off when he used a term, she had not understood the meaning of. "I apologise, Tony, but what do you mean by 'hit if off'?"

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