Chapter Seventeen

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Skipping through the pages in her Chemistry book, Nylah breezed through her homework as if it were as easy as writing the alphabet. There was nothing else to do in Stark tower; considering school had ended and she successfully avoided both Peter and Ned for the entire day. She ignored the constant beeps of her mobile device that laid neatly next to her chemistry book on her desk, the device often vibrating against the table.

Nylah did not think twice about looking at who had been calling and texting her – she knew who it was. Peter. She felt awful for ignoring her only two friends on Midgard, but she knew Peter would never understand the nightmares she had. He would never understand the immense pain she feels every single day, or even the fear just to close her eyes for a second. This was something that she had to hold onto and deal with herself, without the help of anyone. Not Peter, not Ned, not Pepper, not Thor, and certainly not the Metal-Man.

"God, you remind me of Tony." The giggly voice of Pepper Potts startled Nylah, who jolted in the desk chair she once sat comfortably in. As her heart beat slowed down as she calmed herself down, she turned to face Pepper as her long blonde hair swept over her shoulders. "I bet teenage Tony was very similar to you, just less Asgardian-like."

A wide smile formed on Pepper's lips at the thought of her lover, her shoulders leaning against Nylah's door frame gently. Nylah was unsure if it had been a compliment or not, but considering that it was Pepper in front of her and not someone like Flash, she assumed that it was a compliment. However, Nylah wasn't sure what she meant by Tony and herself seeming similar. They seemed like two completely different people to Nylah.

Pepper looked up from the floor and stared at Nylah, the love disappearing and the concern replacing the look in her eyes. "Honey, you look exhausted!"

There was no doubt about that for sure – because Nylah was indeed, exhausted. She was coping though, despite what her body was showing to everyone around her. Her blonde hair was no longer soft and sleek, it was knotted and frizzy (which was unusual) and her eyes had dark circles underneath them, her eyelids struggling to stay open for just a few more minutes.

"I'm okay." Nylah said with a forced smile. "I never thought Midgardian school-work would be this difficult." A lie, of course. Midgardian school-work was the easiest thing she had ever done.

"Really?" Pepper said with a cocked eyebrow and Nylah nodded sharply in response. "Well... do you need any help? I might not be able to do much, but Tony will be back in about two hours."

"Tony's coming back?" Nylah's eyes had widened and for some reason, her instinct was to grab her mobile device and instantly alert Peter. Something was telling her that Peter was getting involved in something he shouldn't.

"Yeah... don't worry, I'm sure if you really want to, you are more than welcome to stay with us." Pepper smiled with the shrug of her shoulders. And with that, the loud ring of Pepper's phone echoed in the room, startling both of the blonde women. Pepper looked down at the phone in her hand, and her face lit up as her eyes scanned the name that was written across the screen. "I'm sorry, I have to take this."

Nylah nodded shyly before she watched as Pepper walked out of the room, closing Nylah's bedroom door behind her. Nylah waited until Pepper's voice became so distant that she could not longer hear her before she whipped around and grabbed her mobile phone. She was still learning with her phone, there were still tricks that she had not learned yet, but once she had turned the screen on it was revealed to her just how many missed calls and texts there had been from Peter.

Peter Parker (Spider-Man) Received at 2:09pm

Hey. Everything okay with you?
Ned and I are worried.

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