Chapter Three

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The school day dragged on for longer than Nylah had expected. She had only been half an hour into her next class, Chemistry, and she was still desperate to leave. She had lived for more than a thousand years, which meant that she was more knowledgeable than majority of the Midgardian race, especially teenagers. She flew through her first class, which only left Peter stunned, and it was the same with this class. She answered every question the teacher had thrown at her correctly, she finished worksheets within ten minutes that the rest of the class had still been working on, and now she was left to dabble on her notepad. She wanted to get out and get to know Peter better.

She had not even been sitting next to the boy, so she had no opportunity to whisper to him or talk through their notepads without the teacher noticing. Instead, she was sat a desk, bored out of her mind, and stuck sitting beside Peter's bully, Flash. That boy seemed almost too determined and eager to become her friend, and he had not cared how many times she made it clear that this was something she did not want. She felt bad for him, but not bad enough to be guilted into a friendship. All humans have a backstory that reflects who they are today, and considering that Flash was a bully, the only appropriate assumption was that he had low self-esteem that he needed to reflect on others to make himself feel better.

He babbled into her ear for the last thirty minutes, and he had absolutely no interest in stopping. He especially would not stop bragging about this father's new, that he was allowed to drive only on school days, and he was quite proud of that. He would go on about the decathlon team, and homecoming, but Nylah had not understood those things. She had never heard of those things, but she felt too stupid to ask. She needed to do more research on Midgardians.

"So, you'll be going to homecoming then, right?" Flash asked curiously as he scribbled formulas on his paper. "If you're not going with anyone you could totally go with me. My dad said that I can drive me and my date there."

"I do not know." Nylah politely replied, glancing at Peter, before she returned to her attention back to her notepad.

"Have you seriously got a crush on Peter?" Flash blurted out loudly, clearly loud enough for the entire class to hear, which had earned a disapproving look from the teacher as students rolled their eyes and returned back to their work. Nylah had not known what a 'crush' was, or the purpose of it was. "You've only known him for like, an hour, tops. He's... below average, you know, compared to me. I'm above average."

Peter turned around his seat, surprise shining in his chestnut brown eyes, darting between Nylah and Flash. "Flash, leave her alone."

"It's just a question, and besides, I already know the answer to it." Flash shrugged his shoulders before his chocolate eyes turned back to Nylah, a sly smirk forming on his lips. "Because why would a girl like you, ever have a crush on someone like Penis Parker?"

Nylah stared at Flash in shock, her eyes scanning is own to see if what he had been saying was genuine. She could never understand how cruel Midgardians were, and how they rarely seemed to regret their harsh words to one another. Perhaps it was only because she had never been spoken to in such a manner or have had someone speak to horribly about her in front of her before. Maybe it was just because she had been raised to treat others with kindness, the same way she would like to be treated. It was clear through this conversation that Midgardians did not share the same morals as Asgardians. Nylah hoped that she could try to change that during her time on Midgard.

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