Chapter Fourteen

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This isn't really important but I'll be seeing Endgame tomorrow, so, if I don't ever update again its because the movie will most likely kill me :) Also, sorry for the lack of updates. After I watch Endgame I'll probably be inspired to write more chapters lmao

After her traumatic experience in the water (thanks to Flash), Liz guided Nylah back to their bedroom. Nylah had showered and dressed herself in warm clothes that Pepper had thankfully bought her beforehand, and now, she was staring up at the ceiling. Liz was laying peacefully in the next bed over, fast asleep with light snores filling the noiseless room every few minutes. She already decided that night that she was not going to sleep – even though with each passing minute, her eyelids were beginning to threaten to close.

She had lost count of how many nights she had gone without sleep. She did not care though. She was sick of the pain and distraught that she felt every time she closed her eyes and was faced with the brutal reality that she did not save her loved ones. The pain that she had been keeping side her for so long was almost too much to handle. She wanted it all gone. She wanted to remember her brother and her mother without tears falling from her eyes and without her heart sinking. That was all she wished for; for the pain to be gone.

Twelve-year-old Nylah Odinsdottir followed her oldest brother into the room in which her mother was stuck inside with two hateful creatures. The large golden doors burst open at the hands of Thor, and it was then that Nylah witnessed something that no child should ever see.

A creature with horns on either side of his head pressed her mother's sword into her side and through her heart; her once open and bright eyes instantly turning dull and fading with colour as her body fell to the golden tiles, lifeless. Thor let out a loud manly yell for his mother and used his powers to fight off the man they knew as Malekith, whilst Nylah was left to rush to her mother's side as fast as her legs could take her.

The two creatures that had just murdered her mother jumped from the building and onto their own ship; though Thor did not waste a single second with his attempt to avenge their mother. Nylah had fallen to her knees as her father entered the room, his eyes filling with sorrow as he lowered his sword.

Nylah was still struggling to manage her abilities properly, and she had only practiced on healing small and simple wounds; nothing like healing a heart as well healing a cut so deep. Sobs escaped her mouth and tears fell from her eyes as she placed her pale hands on her mother's right side, her once clean hands quickly turned red due to the blood.

She focused, and she focused hard. She could feel a piercing pain in her own right side as she desperately tried to heal her mother, but deep down, she knew that it was too late. Thor was his sister's side within seconds and pulled Nylah off their mother before she could hurt herself, whilst their father pulled Frigga's lifeless body into his arms.

Nylah sobbed and screamed out in pain against her brother's chest, trying to writhe out of his grip to get to her mother. A pool of blood soon began to cover the once clean and sparkling golden floors; becoming a room that Nylah would never be able to enter again.

Nylah's eyes snapped open at exactly eight in the morning – sweat dripping from her body and down to the pearl-white hotel sheets, her blond and beautiful hair looking as though a bird had turned into a nest. Her heart had felt like someone had ripped it out and stomped on it several times; crushing it to be as thin a pancake. She had fallen asleep. She had fallen asleep and was yet again, reminded of the pain she felt when her mother died.

"Nylah?" Liz's eyebrows were furrowed together with confusion and her eyes were filled with concern as she approached Nylah on the bed, gently sitting down beside her. Liz's gentle and soft hands grabbed hold of Nylah's sweaty ones, quickly stopping them from trembling. "Bad dream?"

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