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Nylah Odinsdottir was once just an Asgardian princess with a gentle soul; a girl who never failed to put the needs of others before her own, until twenty years ago, when she finally began her journey on healing herself. It took a long two years of grieving before she even began to feel like the same girl who left Asgard for a mission that changed her life; though, she was never going to quite be the same as that innocent little girl. Her pain, her losses and her experiences had taught her that the girl everyone knew before her mother died was naïve; a girl who believed in fairy tales and happy endings. This did not mean that Nylah was doomed for a lifetime of drowning in her pain and her losses, but it helped her grow into the reality of the new world she was in. But it was Peter Parker who had taught her that even though she had lost so much, there was still so many beautiful things and experiences to make life worth living.

So, that was how she began living her life after two years of darkness.

The young woman was lucky enough to not have the stress of being Queen during her dark times which had helped massively for her healing process, thanks to the wonderful Queen Brunnhilde, who Nylah always knew her as Valkyrie. While her title as Princess of Asgard still remained, she held no responsibilities for her people – something she had never experienced up until Valkyrie had reassured her on the day that Peter had left. This helped Nylah explore her new home and her new world, exploring all the different countries and travelling across oceans for new experiences – helping her to learn how to love living again.

When she had eventually returned home after a year of adventure and discovery, she was almost a completely different person. A stranger. Her people had only ever known her as the orphaned princess who did everything she could to protect what remained of her loved ones, a sad young girl who had been forced to endure all the things they hoped they would never have to experience. Nylah would always be that girl, but when she returned home with her glowing skin and a smile that could light up an entire city, her people had never admired her as much as they did in that moment. She was known as the girl who could heal everyone but herself, as some would say could be considered as a curse – but the young girl defied the odds by healing herself.

Nylah was finally happy. She was content. And this was something she had been craving to feel for so long.

Nylah hooked her fingers around the handle of her empty basket that was sat beside the basinet at the end of her bed, her eyes peaking over at the beautiful child that slept so peacefully. Her lips could not help but curve into a proud smile; amazed at her own creation, and shocked that the little girl was already four weeks old. With her left hand, her fingers brushed against the child's knitted cardigan she had been sleeping in, though the clothing was not just an ordinary. Her Uncle Thor claimed to have made it himself, though her mother was almost certain that he had bought it from a Midgardian Avengers merchandise store. Lightning bolts, dark clouds, and the colours of red and blue covered the little cardigan in honour of her living uncle – and she had a similar one in honour of the uncle she would never meet, though that one was dark green and gold.

Nylah could feel a pair of warm and strong arms wrap around her torso as he pulled her close to his body. "The little one is still asleep?"

"Indeed she is, and I cannot blame her." Nylah leaned her head back against her husband's shoulder, enjoying the warmth his body provided her. "She was awake for most of the night."

Her husband shifts his grip on her torso to her waist, gently twirling her around until she was facing him. His coffee brown eyes stared deeply into her own and the curls of his black hair gently brushed against her forehead the most she leaned into her. "Well, she certainly sleeps like an angel, as does her mother."

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