Chapter Twenty

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Two days had passed quicker than Nylah thought; one minute she was in the middle of lunch and helping the boys make something along the lines of 'lego death star'. Now, it was Friday afternoon and the night of homecoming; with Pepper already having her fingers in Nylah's hair and hands patting powder onto her face. Nylah's beautiful dress was hung up neatly against the back of the door, and somehow, the dress reminded her of home.

It was a beautiful strapless dress with top half of it a beige colour with leaves and small flowers embedded into it; reminding her of the flowers and vines that decorated the kingdom of Asgard, her home. As soon as the top part of the dress met her belly button, the lower part of her dress was blue and slightly puffy, which had been a little different compared to the dresses she wore back home. Nylah was used to wearing dresses that were long and flowy, sleek and elegant. Her hair would always remain the same, neatly parted to the side and combed to perfection. No make-up, no special hair-do (unless it had been her birthday). Midgardians were a unique species with their fashion sense, but she loved it.

Her fingers twisted the mobile phone in her hands nervously as she kept her chin up and eyes closed while Pepper spread a golden powder onto her eyelids. She had texted Peter Parker a few hours beforehand, stating the colour of her dress as well as her address, and he had told her that he was excited. Nylah, however, was not sure how to feel about this all – it was after tonight and only tomorrow that it was likely that she would never see him again. She would return to the birthplace of her nightmares, and she would not even have the comfort of Peter Parker by her side.

She had mixed feelings, and to know that in just 70 minutes she would be spending her last few moments with her Midgardian friends, that hurt her a little. She never liked goodbyes – she had to say them all so often that it became something she feared.

"So, Peter Parker, huh?" A cheeky grin formed on Pepper's blush-pink lips after the words escaped her mouth and Nylah's heart fluttered in response. She was not used to developing crushes on Midgardian boys; or even anyone in general.

"Yes." Nylah decided to play dumb, something that Midgardians often did. "What about him?"

"Nothing." Pepper shrugged, the cheeky grin still on her lips. "I think you'd look good together."

Dating was still a very new concept to Nylah – on Asgard, she never dated anyone. She had a crush or two over the last thousand years of her life, but she had never gone further than that. Odin was never strict on arranged marriages of marrying someone of royal descent, but perhaps Nylah feared that anyone she would ever fall in love with would only make Nylah seem as more of a disappointment to her father. Pleasing her father was her first priority, always.

So, when it came to dating (what she calls courting), she had no clue what to do or how to go about it. Hell, she could barely understand when she was developing a crush. She avoided people so much that she was not sure what love even felt like – having only experienced two crushes in her lifetime. One of them was Peter Parker, though she was still trying to wrap her head around the concept of falling for him.

"Like... courting?" Nylah asked curiously, for once, her head did not tilt to the side and instead, a blush crept onto her cheeks that did not go unnoticed by Pepper.

"Yeah, like courting." Pepper laughed as her hands pulled away from Nylah's eyelids. "We call it dating here."

Dating – she wanted to know what it would be like to date someone. Of course, the only person she wanted to date was Peter, but she thought that sounded silly. But when she began to think of catching glimpses of Thor and Jane and the loving moments they shared together, the more that she began to feel butterflies fluttering in her stomach at the thought of Nylah and Peter. She could imagine Peter has a very sweet, kind and sometimes awkward lover. She assumed he would be a bit of a hopeless romantic, too, but that would be something that he would not admit aloud. However, Peter and Nylah could never happen, right? Two people from two different planets could not possibly last together. Thor and Jane did not... so what hope did Peter and Nylah have?

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