What if...

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I was not originally going to post the alternative ending to Destined. But considering everyone's disappoint with these guys not ending up together and with all the talk about the MCU Multiverse, I thought the least I could do was give everyone some closure. Plus, I really enjoyed What If!

P.S. To those I sent the original ending to, you can still read this! This is an altered 'ending' to the original as I feel like this ending would fit better. Also, there are no NWH spoilers! 😊

What if... Peter and Nylah were destined to be together?

In another universe, far from ours, Peter Parker and Nylah Odinsdottir never experienced the heartache of parting from one another. In fact, in this universe, they never parted.

The cold breeze in the air of Norway brushed against the soft brown curls on Peter's head as he let out an annoyed groan, gently tugging at the thick blanket to provide warmth to his cold body. Nylah watched him with tired eyes, knowing that all she had to do was get out of bed and simply close the opened balcony door, but she could not bring herself to do so. She could not get herself to do a lot of things these days. A part of her feared that she was bringing Peter down along with her, with the way that it was almost noon, and he was still fast asleep.

Just like in our own universe, Nylah had only spent the first few days with Peter happily. The loss of her family and the trauma from everything she was put through dawned on her during those days, but she put it aside to show Peter the Asgardian experience. They were inseparable. He never left her side, and she never left his; they did everything together. From another awkward meeting with Valkyrie, the new King of Asgard, all the way to fishing – which was a new experience for Nylah. She had never done such an activity before in her life.

But as days turned into weeks, she was struggling to hide what she truly felt. Pain, guilt, grief. It felt like all of these emotions were amplified to the maximum, and she slowly began to isolate herself as a result. Trips to town became a five-minute chore, something that would take away all of her energy and leave her feeling a numbness to everything around her. So, she stayed in her cottage. However, trips downstairs became too hard. She could barley make it to the refrigerator without curling up on the couch for twelve hours just to give in to the fatigue. And now, she could no longer get herself out of bed. Peter had to take care of her as if she were a helpless child again – he bathed her, he fed her, he kept her hydrated. It was pathetic, really. She was supposed to take care of him – he was here to see her!

He was draining all of his energy to look after a woman who could not be saved, and now, his days were becoming shorter too. Chores were getting harder. Living was getting harder. Nylah could not let him spiral down in the same way she had; she could not let him. He deserved so much better than what he was receiving. He deserved a girl that could look after him the same way he looked after her, and he deserved someone that could make him happy. She believed she did neither of those things, and as much as she loved Peter Parker, she knew she had to let him go. The only problem was, he was not ready to let go of her.

She rested her hand gently on his cold cheek, causing for the young man to stir slightly as his eyes slowly began to open. His eyes flinched at the sunlight that poured into their room, though they calmed when they laid upon the beautiful girl in front of him. Her silky hair was in a mess and still damp from the bath last night, her face was red with sadness and her eyes were puffy from crying, but she still looked as beautiful as ever. Despite her beauty, seeing her so sad had sent for pains in his own heart, and all he wanted to do was heal her. In his mind, she deserved nothing but happiness, and he was determined to be there for her until she did.

"Ny?" Peter whispered out with his croaky and tired voice, his calloused hand holding the one she had pressed on his face. "What's wrong?"

She closed her eyes, as one would when they could not believe what was about to happen. "We cannot be together, my love... I refuse to let you drown with me."

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