Chapter 12.

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Madara's POV.

Not long after the fight was over, Asami lost consciousness. She probably used up too much chakra and was exhausted. She also had some injuries, but they weren't fatal. I put Asami over my shoulder and looked around me. No one of the Uchiha was badly injured, and there weren't any losses on our side. Just now I noticed all the patterns on the ground, and I immediately knew they belonged to the Uzumaki I was carrying now. All of the fūinjutsu that have been created by the Uzumaki clan have the clan's spiral crest at the centre of their design after all, and Asami was the only Uzumaki I saw here now. No wonder she passed out if she did this many techniques. I never thought she was abe of doing this much.

It seems I underestimated her a little..


I looked over my free shoulder and saw Keiji running at me. ''Are you alright, Madara-sama?!"'

''I'm fine, Keiji, but can you take Asami back to the Senju compound? I have some more important things to attend to.''

Keiji nodded and I handed Asami over to him. I glanced once more at her face, and a small smirk appeared on my face.

She's really something..

Keiji's POV.

After I brought Asami to the Senju compound, where Mito was, I stayed there for a while. Asami had some minor wounds, only the one on her abdomen was worrisome. But since the members of the Uzumaki clan possess an incredibly strong life force, she will be better soon. I heard that the clan members are also blessed with great recuperative powers, so they are able to recover from extreme exhaustion and mend most injuries in short periods of time. But Asami pushed herself too hard.

Mito and some maids were treating her wounds right now. Mito was very worried when I suddenly stood on her doorstep with Asami in my arms. She may act very strict and cold towards her younger sister, but deep inside, she has a soft spot for her, she just doesn't want to admit it..

Mito's POV.

After I was done with wrapping bandages around her stomach, I let out a sigh and dismissed the maids who had helped me. When I looked back at my younger sister, I bit my lip and grabbed her hand, squeezing in it softly. I knew she would be alright, and that there was nothing to worry about, but I still hated it to see her in this condition. ''Asami.. you idiot..'' I whispered. ''Worrying me like that..''

Madara's POV.

A few hours after the betrayal occurred, I decided to check up on Asami. I needed to know what happened after Hashirama and I left, so even though I disliked it to be in this place, I went to the Senju compound. This was so annoying. All those Senju brats were staring at me. Not even bothering to knock, I just walked into the infirmary of the Senju compound.

''Madara-sama, you can't go in there!''

I grunted and glared at the man who was walking at me. I've seen him before. He was with Asami, he often left the compound with her to keep an eye on her.

''I don't care.'' I spoke coldly. ''Where's Asami.''

''She hasn't woken up yet.''

''Not yet?'' I asked annoyed. She's been out for a few hours now...

Asami's POV.

''Are you already feeling better?''

I nodded at Mito, smiling softly. ''I'm fine.'' I answered. I've already completely healed, there were only some scratches left. I just was worried about Yumi. I haven't visited her yet, but I want to do that today. I woke up a few hours ago, when Mito was here. She told me I've slept the whole day yesterday. Sighing, I sat up on the bed and looked at the ceiling. ''What happened after I passed out?''

''Madara came here yesterday.'' Mito said, not looking at me as she folded the blankets I slept under last night.

''Madara did?'' I asked surprised. ''Why would he do that?''

Mito shrugged. ''I don't know. I was told he asked for you.''

''For me?'' Maybe he was worried? No, it's Madara, he wouldn't be worried about me... But the look in his eyes when he came with Keiji to save me. I thought I saw a mix of anger and worry. A small smile appeared on my face. I was grateful to him. To Madara. He had saved me. If it wasn't for him and Keiji, some summon would have killed me.

Madara's POV.

I was on my way back to the Uchiha compound. I had just talked to Hashirama. Before his wedding, we still needed to choose a leader for this village. We haven't made a decision yet, but we would see each other again tomorrow, and then talk about it again.

As I walked past the Sarutobi compound, I saw a certain redhead leaving that compound. What was Asami doing there? Was she with Yumi, that dumb girl? Asami noticed me and smiled before walking at me. ''Ohayo, Uchiha-san.''

She looked completely healed, like nothing had happened yesterday. Asami stood now in front of me, smiling a bit hesitantly. She avoided looking into my eyes, and looked at the ground instead. ''Uhmm Thank you, Uchiha-san..'' she murmured.

''For what?''

Asami looked up. ''For what you did yesterday.''

''I just protected the village, that's all.''

For a split moment, I saw pain in Asami's eyes when I said that, and I got a weird feeling. Was this.. guilt? I did protect the village, just doing what I had to do. I didn't come to save Asami.. But then why? Why did I ran at Asami, while there were others as well who needed help...?

''Ah, alright.. I guess I'll see you around, Uchiha-san.''

Just when Asami was about to walk away, I grabbed her hand, which was surprisingly warm. ''Wait.''


''I need to talk to you, about everything that happened.''

Mito's Sister. (Uchiha Madara)Where stories live. Discover now