Chapter 50. Promise.

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This book has TWO epilogues! For information about the sequels, check out SEQUELS OVERVIEW. Enjoy! :)

Third Person

''Do you have everything you need?''

Asami looked at her suitcase, thinking if she indeed packed everything that she'd need, looked back at Madara who was sitting on the couch, and nodded. ''I think so.'' she muttered softly.

Today was the day that they'd leave Konoha. They still had a few hours left, but packed everything beforehand in case someone would find out Madara's plan. It was unlikely, but it could still happen. The only ones who knew of this were Keiji, Madara and Asami. Not even Kaede knew.

Keiji would stay here, in Konoha. Madara didn't want to get him involved, and he also wanted to do this himself. Keiji had a wife and a son. Madara wouldn't have cared at first, but now he knew the value of having a real family.

He was getting Asami involved though, but there was no other option left.

''Madara?" Asami asked hesitantly, fiddling with her fingers. ''Can I go to Mito?''

Madara's eyes narrowed. Asami was easy to read. That was something they both knew. If she was going to see her sister for one last time, she might accidentally give away their plan. Not that she knew every detail of it though. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. ''Why?''

Asami bit the inside of her cheek. She actually didn't want to talk about it with Madara. He'd probably find it stupid, while it did matter to her. ''When I talked to her a few days ago, we didn't end our conversation. It actually kinda ended up as an argument. I'd like to apologize to her.'' she explained quietly.''

Madara grunted. He actually didn't want her to go, but having her look so depressed all the time annoyed him too. ''Fine.'' He sighed. ''But be back within thirty minutes.''

She smiled gratefully and she pulled her jacket from the chair and put it on. Then she walked behind the couch to the door, but stopped by Madara. He leaned his head on the arm of the couch, looking up to her with a bored expression on his face.

She ran my hand through his soft hair and leaned down, pressing a quick kiss on his lips. ''I'll be right back.''

Asami's POV.

''Why are you practically living with him?'' Was what Mito had asked me, and I had replied vaguely. I never gave her a real answer, and that was when she became mad. There is no way that she wouldn't have considered the possibility that I was in love with him, and that that was the reason I lived with him.

It was the reason, but she didn't know, at least not for sure.

''Because I love him.''

I wanted to tell her, but I couldn't. I was afraid of their reactions, even though I'd never regret falling in love with him. Madara wasn't the person to open up to somebody very easily. He was mysterious to me, and even now, I still couldn't figure him out sometimes, but I felt proud. Proud that I was able to stand next to him.

It didn't take long for me to reach the Senju compound, where Mito lived. I hoped she was at home, or else I'd have come here for nothing. I also didn't want to leave Konoha while feeling guilty about a petty squabble.

I wanted to see her one last time.

Knocking on the door of the house my sister shared with her husband, I waited patiently for someone to open it, and I didn't have to wait long. The door opened, revealing Tobirama. ''Asami.'' he said, obviously not expecting me. ''What are you doing here? Do you need something?''

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