Chapter 41. Shock.

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Third Person.


Hiroaki clenched his fists as he looked away from me. Tears were still streaming down his face as repeated what he said earlier. ''Yumi is dead.'' He choked out. ''Killed, yesterday night.''

There they stood, in front of Asami's house. Hiroaki specially came to her to tell her the news himself. Asami was a good friend of Yumi after all, and he wouldn't want her to hear it from people on the streets.

As the leader of the Sarutobi clan continued to cry softly, Asami was still trying to comprehend the words he just spoke, but she couldn't. It was just too surreal.

She felt numb. Both her body and her emotions. It was like this all was a dream, or more like a nightmare. She didn't know what she felt at that moment. Her chest felt tight and she felt her eyes water, but she didn't feel any sadness. What did she feel? She wondered that herself.

Of course she was shocked. She couldn't believe she would never see Yumi ever again. She had the feeling she'd see Yumi tomorrow, at the entrance of the Uzumaki residence, where they agreed to meet. She couldn't be dead. She couldn't imagine how her life would be without her. Yumi was her first friend in Konoha, so she had a special place in Asami's life, but now that place was empty. Yumi was history, and there would be no future with her in it anymore.

''Asami-san?'' Hiroaki whispered hoarsely, snapping the Uzumaki out of her thoughts. ''Are you okay?''

Asami blinked. Was she okay? She didn't know it herself. ''..Uhh yeah... I think.. I..'' She didn't even know what to say. What should she say? It was Hiroaki who was standing in front of her, Yumi's brother. Just saying 'it'll be okay' or something like that wouldn't make him feel any better.

Madara's POV.

''Asami?'' I mumbled her name as I opened the door. I didn't think I'd see her this soon again. She left yesterday at sunset, and now she was standing on my doorstep again in the morning the day after. I just wanted to ask her why she was here, but then I saw the look on her face. It wasn't a particularly sad look, but I noticed the lack of emotion on her face rather quickly. She looked like she was in a slight daze.

''Madara-sama?'' I heard Keiji ask from the living room. ''Is everything okay?''

I grunted and let Asami in, closing the door the moment she was inside. I could tell she was confused and a bit disoriented.

''Madara-sama, could you come here for a moment?''

I looked over my shoulder and saw Keiji wait for me to come to him. The usual cheery smile had made place for a serious expression. He knew more.

I told Asami to wait in the living room while I followed Keiji into the corridor. When Keiji was sure that Asami couldn't hear us, he began to talk. ''I think I know why she's like that now.'' He said. ''Yumi-san.. she's passed away..''

''She's dead?'' I asked slightly surprised. ''What happened? And why didn't you tell me earlier?''

''I just heard when I headed back here.'' Keiji gritted his teeth. ''Anyway, the people I was looking for yesterday.. They somehow infiltrate the village very easily and target relatives of clan leaders. Yumi was one of their targets and also their first victim.''

''Relatives?'' I muttered. ''How do you know that they only target those people?''

''Remember the man who was attacked in front of the gate?'' Keiji asked. ''He was the brother of the clan who recently joined the village. And this morning another one barely escaped death. They don't seem to target the leaders themselves. No one knows what their objective is.''

I grunted and put my hands on my waist. ''This is stupid. If this is their way of threatening us then they're just cowards. They probably don't have the guts to take the leaders themselves on because they're afraid to lose.''

''Let me remind you that not all the leaders are equally strong. You and Hashirama-sama are far more superior. If one of you two were to confront them in combat, you'd win without doubt, but I'm not sure if I can say the same about the others..'' Keiji said. ''But I believe they'll try to avoid you as much as possible.''

I scoffed. This really was stupid. Those guys were probably just some punks who had nothing better to do.

''Let's go back to Asami-san..'' Keiji said.

I nodded and turned around. Asami must have heard the news recently as well. It would probably take a while for her to accept Yumi's death. It would't be easy for her. I was well aware of that. Asami obviously loved Yumi. Even if they got into some arguments now and then, they stayed friends.

But now she was gone, and Asami had no choice but to get used to Yumi's permanent absence.

When we came back into the living room, Asami was sitting on the couch. She was silent, and didn't make a single sound. I could only hear her ragged breathing, which signaled that she was crying. I sighed and sat down next to her.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do now. I've never been good at comforting people, and now Asami was crying. I wondered, had I seen her cry before?

I couldn't remember, and it didn't matter anyway.

''H-Hiroaki-san came to my house this morning.'' Asami croaked. I looked at her. I didn't expect her to say something, but thought she'd stay silent and cry instead. ''He told me about.. .. about what happened and s-said that I shouldn't be alone right now.''

A soft chuckle came past her lips.

''I-I don't know why I came here..'' she whispered. ''My feet just brought me here..''

Asami wiped her tears, but the removed salt droplets were already quickly replaced by new ones. ''C-Can I stay here?''

''Of course!" Keiji exclaimed as he placed a warm cup of tea on the table in front of Asami. ''You know that you're always welcome here, Asami-san.''

Asami smiled weakly. ''Thank you.''

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