Chapter 10.

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So sorry for the long wait! The thing is.. I'm not doing  very well at school and if I don't do better, I'll go to a different class, so instead of being lazy and write, I worked very hard for school. Anyway, here's the new chapter, I hope you'll enjoy it :)

Asami's POV.

I already knew Madara was thinking very high of himself, but that doesn't mean he can look down on others like they're helpless. Men may be stronger sometimes, but that doesn't make woman weak. I've trained hard the last few years, and I'm not very strong, but Mito is! She's a powerful kunoichi, and she taught me fuinjutsu and other techniques a few years ago. Uzushiogakure was destroyed due the fact that others feared these techniques after all..

I'm not as strong as her, but I can defend myself, and take out some ninjas as well. I actually fight a lot with fuinjutsu.. but that's just my specialty.

Somehow, Mito knew about my small fight with Madara, and told me to apologize to him. I will admit that maybe I overreacted a bit, but that's just who I am. Anyway, now I was on my way to the Uchiha compound, thining of how to apologize to Madara. I didn't look forward to it at all. Madara can be a good guy, but I'm rather not around him when he's pissed. That man can be damn strong, and I have to admit that I'm sightly frightened of his overwhelming power. He had such a great amount of chakra..

I entered the Uchiha compound, and tried to remember the way to the house where Madara lives. I've been there a few times, with Keiji, but now I'd have to find the way myself. It was already almost dark, making it even harder to tell which way it was to the house somewhere in the middle of the compound. Looking up to the starry sky, I let out a deep sigh. ''This sure sucks..''

''Asami, what are you doing here.'' I shivered hearing his deep, intimidating voice, when I wasn't able to see him anywhere. This sure was creepy. ''U-Uchiha-san. This is not funny!''

''I'm right here, and I'm not even trying to be funny..'' I heard him say behind me. I quickly turned around, and was already annoyed when I saw that amused smirk plastered on his pale face. ''Uchiha-san.. I.'' ''Don't.. follow me instead.'' he interrupted me, and he began to walk away.

Madara's POV.

''Oi, Uchiha-san! Wait!'' I rolled my eyes when I heard her footsteps behind me. She was slow.. ''What?'' I asked her. ''Where are we going?'' Asami asked.

''To my house.''

''Why? I only came here to-'' ''I know what you came for, but I have something to tell you.'' I interrupted her again. I knew Asami was beginning to get annoyed know, but I honestly didn't care. When we finally reached my house, I let her in and closed the door behind me.

''Welcome back, Madara-sama.''

''Keiji, get some tea, we have something to discuss with Asami.''

Keiji nodded and disappeared into the kitchen.

''Uchiha-san..'' I heard Asami murmur behind me. ''What is this all about? Couldn't you just tell me outside?''

I didn't answer her question, and walked into the living room instead, knowing she would follow me. I sat down at a table while Keiji devided the tea over three cups. ''Now, Asami, about what I wanted to talk about..''


''Hashirama and I are going on a mission in three days, to take out some threats to the village. But since  new clan is joining the village as well, I want you to welcome them, while we are gone.'' I said.

Asami frowned. ''Err, why me? Why not Keiji?''

''Because Keiji is going with me, and the one to welcome the clan has to be someone of the higher ranks. Mito is too busy, and I obviously can't trust the Sarutobi clan with this.''

''Why are you asking me this. Why not Hashirama?'''Asami asked, not answering my question.

I sighed annoyed. ''Because I encountered you first. Hashirama and I decided this shortly after the festival. Now will you do it?''

''Fine.'' Asami murmured. ''Eh, Uchiha-san?''

''Hmm?'' I hummed, sipping at my tea.

''I apologize for yelling at you earlier this day, I shouldn't have done that. ''Asami spoke truthfully. ''It was wrong of me.''

''It's fine, Asami.'' I said. ''At least you know you were wrong.''

''I'm not saying I was wrong about what I said, I said I was wrong about how I said it.'' She grumbled, and I smirked. ''I know.''

''Just saying.'' Asami sighed, grinning softly.


Another short chapter... sorry for that.. I just have a lot on my mind. I promise the future chapters will be a little bit longer.

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